Goods and Services Terminology

High Order Goods and Services
More expensive items bought less frequently and lasting longer - Durables and comparison goods
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Low Order Goods and Services
Goods which are cheap and available but do not last long. Needed regularly - Consumables, Convienience
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Specialist Goods and Services
These are rarer items only available in certain areas usually costing a lot of money but needed rarely
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Minimum demand necessary to support a service
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This refers to the distance people are willing to travel for a particular goods or service
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Sphere of Influence
The area from which people live who use a particular service
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Card 2


Goods which are cheap and available but do not last long. Needed regularly - Consumables, Convienience


Low Order Goods and Services

Card 3


These are rarer items only available in certain areas usually costing a lot of money but needed rarely


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Card 4


Minimum demand necessary to support a service


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Card 5


This refers to the distance people are willing to travel for a particular goods or service


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