Global Ethics

  • Created by: M-Dizzle
  • Created on: 16-05-18 17:40
Corruption does what according to Hamir (1999)?
Erodes the respect of law
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According to Everett (2006), how do some people view corruption?
Beneficial and Functional
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Who lists 60 acts that could qualify as corruption?
Caiden et al (2001b)
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What does Kaikati et al (2000) say about the international actors who try to curb corruption?
They 'are important avenues through which the morality of international business is promoted.'
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According to Mackie (1977), what are the consequences of not having objective values?
1. No standard of moral rightness and wrongness. 2. Can be no objective standard of "ethics". 3. Results in falling back onto cultural and personal norms. 4. Corruption can't be bad just because we personally think it's bad.
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Mackie (1977: 15) said...
'There are no objective values'
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What are Global Ethics?
A standard of ethics we can all agree to, and which can and do apply on a global scale.
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Name one approach to making ethics idea workable
Global agreement on what corruption is and how to combat it - "universal" ethical standard
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Strawson (1961: 12) said...
'The abstract virtue of justice...and honesty are universal features of moral systems'
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Name the most likely way of achieving a Global Ethics
Small group of powerful people/nations can use thier power to override the cultural and personal wishes of billions of people
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Two challenges to creating a global ethics
1. Individual Ethics. 2. Broader Cultural Issues
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Example of individual attitudes (using Guanxi)
Someone could see as corrupt, but another would argue that it is impossible to do business with someone if you don't have a relationship with them prior.
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How do definitions cause a challenge for Global Ethics?
Different definitions of corruption make for an unequal and disagreeable Global Ethic. If you can't agree on a definition for corruption, then you can't for Ethics.
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Dawson (2003) said what about Ethics?
'What is needed to make the world a better place is not simply more ethical rules, but more moral people'
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What did Nietzsche say about Ethics?
'Behind the ideals of universl morailty, objectivity and truth, there lies the concealed drive for sel-preservation and domination.'
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Name two examples of broader cultural issues
1. Facilitation Payments 2. Bribes
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What is the definition of VIRTUE ETHICS?
We are ethical when we show our own ethics personally.
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What does Strawson (1961: 12) argue?
1. You can build Global Ethics with procedural justice 2. That which is ethical follows procedures.
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What does Rose (2016) mean when he says 'Might Makes Right'?
If ethics can't be agreed on through a shared standard of probity, then ethics will be defined by the dominant political culture and coerced onto others.
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What does Rose (2016) say about the limitations of Global Ethics through RELATIVISM?
'If we accept the Relativist perspective, it becomes somewhat meaingless to talk of a "Global Ethics" at all, because the question becomes one of "whose ethics"?'
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Is a "Universal" standard of ethics achievable?
If based on big conceptual questions like corruptio as a whole, then NO. But, perhaps it's possible to create a universal standard of ethics based on certain aspects of corruption, i.e., bribery and misuse of power - Widely accepted as unethical.
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We're ethical when we're maximising something that we agree should be maximised. In Global Ethics context, we dont know what this is.
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We are ethical when we act in accordance with our own ethics.
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What are DEONTOLOGY ethics?
Focussed on following specific rules or general maxims.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


According to Everett (2006), how do some people view corruption?


Beneficial and Functional

Card 3


Who lists 60 acts that could qualify as corruption?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does Kaikati et al (2000) say about the international actors who try to curb corruption?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


According to Mackie (1977), what are the consequences of not having objective values?


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