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6. What was the aim of the Berlin Blockade?

  • To stem the hemorrhage of workers leaving Berlin
  • To create tensions between the USSR and Western powers
  • For Western Powers to surrender their Zones of Berlin to the USSR
  • For the USSR to surrender their Zone of Berlin to the Western Powers

7. What was Bizonia and when was it formed?

  • The merging of the British and American Zones, in January 1947
  • The merging of the American and Soviet Zones, in June 1947
  • The merging of the French and American Zones, in May 1947
  • The merging of the British and French Zones, in October 1946

8. How much did the Western Zone of Germany receive from Marshall Aid (summer of 1947)?

  • $2.7 billion
  • $1.5 billion
  • $1.4 billion
  • $3.2 billion

9. Who became the first Chancellor (August 1949) of the FRG (May 1949 in West Germany)?

  • Erhard of the CDU/CSU
  • Brandt of the SPD
  • Adenauer of the CDU/CSU
  • Ulbricht of the SED

10. Which group controlled the USSR's occupation of the Eastern Zone?

  • The Soviet Military Administration
  • The USSR National Army
  • The National Soviet Army
  • Stalinists

11. Why was the Basic Law (what the FRG was formed under) temporary?

  • They found it hard to agree on the components of Basic Law
  • They wanted to replace it later with a constitution to cover a whole united Germany
  • They wanted to use it as a test run, to see if it overcame the Weimar Republic's ideas
  • The FRG later wanted to get the whole (Western) state involved on the new state's constitution

12. Why did the USA stop sending goods to the Eastern zone in 1946?

  • France failed to keep to the agreement of sending food and raw materials to the Western zone
  • There were shortages in the Western Zone
  • The USSR failed to keep to the agreement of sending food and raw materials to the Western zone
  • Tension between the West and East had increased severely

13. In the Western zone, indiviuals who were not classified as active participants in the Nazi regime collected the...

  • £20 worth of rationing stamps with 'Deutsch wahre Bürger' Award
  • 'Fairy' Award
  • 'Persil' Certificate
  • 'Deutsch wahre Bürger' Award

14. Where did decsion making power lie within the SED in the GDR (formed October 1949)?

  • The Chancellor
  • The President
  • The First Secretary
  • The Prime Minister

15. How many zones was Germany split into by late 1945?

  • 4
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5

16. What were the initial four problems to solve at the Potsdam Conference?

  • War guilt, denazification, demiliterisation and self determination
  • Reparations, territorial adjustments, rising tensions between allies and self determination
  • Denazification, demiliterisation, reparations and territorial adjustments
  • Territorial adjustments, reparations, self determination and war guilt

17. What happened to Czechoslovakia when it was interested in receiving Marshall Aid?

  • It was invaded and attacked by the USSR as it had forbidden any Eastern state to receive it
  • Instead, the USSR donated $0.4 billion to Czechoslovakia
  • The USA sent Czechoslovakia $0.4 billion
  • The USSR imposed sanctions on Czechoslovakia as it had forbidden any Eastern state to receive it

18. What was the aim of the Marshall Plan?

  • To prevent spread of Communism and provide a market for US goods
  • To reduce tensions in Europe by helping to revive its economy
  • To increase trade between USA and other European countries
  • To show the USSR how powerful the USA was

19. What was CONINFORM (early 1947) and Which country was is implemented by?

  • The Way to politcally control states within the Eastern bloc, implemented by the USSR
  • The way to economically control states within the Western bloc, implemented by the USA
  • The way to politically control states within the Western bloc, implemented by the USA
  • The Way to econmically control states within the Eastern bloc, implemented by the USSR

20. What new currency was introduced to the Western Zones and When?

  • The Deutschmark (DM)
  • The Dutchmark (DM)
  • The Reichsmark (RM)
  • The West German Dollar ($W)