German Political History 1871-1914

  • Created by: taq
  • Created on: 26-05-18 10:43
Name a war that helped unification
1870 Franco-Prussian War
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Why was Prussia powerful?
17/58 Bundestag votes
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How many unification laws did the RS agree to?
over 100
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Catholic/Protestant population?
39% Catholic 61% Protestant
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Examples of May/Falk Laws of 1873?
Catholic education under state supervision, clergy appointed by state, civil marriage compulsary
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When were all Prussian Bishops imprisoned or exhiled by?
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How many seats did the Zentrum win in 1874?
Over 90
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Who did Bismarck want an alliance with?
Catholic Austria
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When were tariffs introduced and on what? Who voted it through?
1879 on iron/iron goods and grain. Supported by Conservatives, Centre Party and 15 National Liberal rebels.
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How much had the price of German wheat declined by?
By 80 marks per tonne
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How did Bismarck try to help the Liberals in 1877?
Offered leader Benningsen the position of Prussian Minister of the Interior
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How many votes did the SPD have by 1890/how many RS seats?
1.5 million votes, 35 RS seats
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When did the SPD vote nearly double?
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Which countries did the SPD hold conferences in?
Denmark and Switzerland
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When was the Sickness Insurance Act?
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When was the Accident Insurance Act?
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When were old age pensions introduced?
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How many Poles and Jews were expelled and when?
34 thousand in one year under Bismarck
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How many pro-French citizens left Alsace-Lorraine and when?
400 thousand 1870-1914
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When was the antisemitic Christian Socialist Workers' Party formed?
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When did Bismarck consider setting up the 'Reich Council'?
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What % of RS deputies were hostile to Bismarck's policies in the 1880s?
around 75%
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When did Bismarck seek support for 10% increase in taxes?
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When did Bismarck propose a permanent Anti-Socialist Law?
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When was the war scare/Boulanger crisis?
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When was Caprivi Chancellor?
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Caprivi's 3 main policies?
Industrial courts and workers given right to form committees, reduction of tariffs and Prussian School Bill of 1892
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When and what was the Army Bill?
1893, increase in army size by 84k men, conscription reduced to 2 years, RS vote on budget every 5 years
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When was Hohenlohe Chancellor?
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Hohenlohe's 3 policies?
Anti Subversion Bill and Bill of August (both rejected), Navy Law 1898 (expansion of navy to rival British)
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Which 3 ideologies became prominent under Hohenlohe?
Weltpolitik, Flottenpolitik and Sammlungspolitik
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When was Bulow Chancellor?
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What was the 1900 Navy Law?
funded 17 year navy building programme
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What did Bulow do to tariffs?
reinstated them on agricultural products
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How many people were voting SPD by 1903?
3 million
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What did Bulow extend?
accident insurance claim time (1900), health insurance (1903)
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Germanisation Law of 1908?
Allowed gov. to take Polish property and give it to Germans in Prussia
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When was the Daily Telegraph Affair?
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Who was in the Bulow block and how many seats did they win?
Conservatives, Progressives and National Liberals, 216 seats in 1907
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What doubled under Bulow?
the national debt
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What proportion of Germans voted SPD in 1912?
1 in 3
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When was the defence tax/increase in army size?
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When did Kaiser Wilhelm II come to power?
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Facts about the Pan-German League?
60 RS deputies by 1914
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Facts about Agrarian League?
330k members by 1913
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Navy League?
500k membership
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Army League?
500 branches by 1914
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How did the National Liberals decline in the RS?
ovr 100 seats in 1871 -> less than 50 seats in 1890
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How did the Zentrum seats increase?
From just over 60 1871 -> 100 in 1881
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How many seats did the conservatives have in 1912?
only 57
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Progressive high point?
over 75 seats in 1890
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SPD seat growth?
From 2 in 1871 -> over 100 in 1912
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1914 proof of polarised politics/society?
had largest Socialist party in Europe and also the largest army
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What was the 1891 Erfurt Programme?
SPD principles, equal rights, abolition of class rule ect.
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What amendment to the Erfurt Programme was defeated in 1900?
To work through the RS
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Germany TU membership?
had Europe's largest labour organisation by 1913 with 2.5m members
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How had TU membership grown?
from 300k+ - > to 850k+ in 10 years
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How did the Pan-German League hurt democracy?
opposed all reformist policies from 1900, leader published 'If I were Kaiser' leaflet in 1912, highly antisemitic
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why was Prussia powerful?


17/58 Bundestag votes

Card 3


How many unification laws did the RS agree to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Catholic/Protestant population?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Examples of May/Falk Laws of 1873?


Preview of the front of card 5
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