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6. If we got a couple of degrees warmer what could be grown?

  • maize/peach/grapes/nectarines
  • peach and apples

7. what are the stages of milankovitch?

  • procession/eccentricity/obliquity
  • eccentricity/obliquity/procession
  • eccentricity/procession/obliquity
  • procession/obliquity/eccentricity

8. what would be connected to the temperatures of the tundra?

  • pokemons
  • permafrost soil
  • pingu
  • killer whales

9. what is a long term climate change?

  • milankovitch
  • volcanoes
  • el nino
  • racin omnipotent mode with style, coool style
  • la nina
  • god

10. where is the current axis of the earth?

  • 23.5°
  • 22

11. which are the world's climatic regions and biomes?

  • tundra/desert/mediterranean/maritime/tropical/tropical grasslands/
  • tundra / deserto / Mediterraneo / marittimi / tropicali / praterie tropicali /
  • 툰드라 / 사막 / 지중해 / 해상 / 대 / 열대 초원
  • tundra / deserto / Mediterrâneo / marítimo / tropicais / pastagens tropicais

12. what happens to south america during El Niño years?

  • the same as normal years but intensified in australia there is floodings, heavy rainfall and mudslides while in south america there is bushfires and droughts
  • there is a warm sea temperature which causes evaporation, then there is moist conditions that added to the low pressure it causes condensation and therefore precipitation.
  • trade winds blow eastwards causing an uplift of nutrients in the coast of Australia and the high pressure in the area of indonesia and australia added to the high temperatures and the lack of precipitation causes bushfires and droughts in the area

13. what is the average temperature in winter of the tundra?

  • 3-12°C
  • -34°C
  • 22 °C
  • 3°C

14. what is a biome?

  • a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat.
  • una grande comunità naturale di flora e fauna che occupano un habitat importante
  • usa ka dako nga natural nga nahitabo komunidad sa mga tanom ug mananap nga nag-okupar sa usa ka mayor nga mga pinuy-anan
  • una comunitat natural de flora i fauna que ocupen un hàbitat important

15. as well as the UK is likely to be hotter, what else is the UK capable of?

  • the UK is capable to be wetter.
  • the UK is capable to be hotter

16. what kind of diseases may increase?

  • skin cancer and cataracts
  • chronical diarrhoea and tourette syndrome

17. what is the threat of rising sea level compounded of?

  • by the fact that the UK is gradually tilting.
  • greenhouse emissions

18. what is the temperature of the tundra in summer?

  • -78°C
  • 3-12°C
  • 3°C
  • -34°C

19. why is the UK likely to be wetter?

  • due to a increase in rainfall and through to rising sea levels due to melting ice caps.
  • david cameron

20. what happens in australia in normal years?

  • 蒸発を引き起こす暖かい海水温度があり、それが結露ので、降水を引き起こす高圧に追加湿った条件があります。
  • ఆవిరి కారణమవుతోంది ఒక వెచ్చని సముద్ర ఉష్ణోగ్రత ఉంది, తర్వాత దాన్ని బాష్పీభవనం మరియు అందువలన అవక్షేపణం కారణమవుతుంది అధిక పీడన జోడించబడింది తేమ పరిస్థితులు.
  • there is a warm sea temperature which causes evaporation, then there is moist conditions that added to the low pressure it causes condensation and therefore precipitation.
  • existe uma temperatura do mar quente, o que provoca a evaporação , então não há condições de humidade adicionada aos alta pressão que provoca a condensação e portanto a precipitação .