Genetic diversity, Mutation, Meoisis

  • Created by: aarafa11
  • Created on: 31-01-18 16:15
What happens to chromosome at stage 1
chromosomes are arranged in (homologous) pairs, crossing over occurs, homologous pauir is arranged independentley
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What happens to chrmosome at stage 2
Homologous chromosome pairs is separated and pulled at the centromere
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Number of genetically different gametes: Cc,Bb, Dd
2x2x2= 8
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How does natural selection happen
offspring has variation or mutation, theres selection pressure, organism with advantageous allele will survive to reproductive age so it can pass on the gene to offspring. Organism without the allele will die
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How does organism become resistant
Mutation in receptor protein, enzyme is no longer comeplementary, therefore, they cannot bind
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Name the 3 Processes that cause genetic variation
1) Crossing over 2) Independant assortment 3) Random fertilisation
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What is random fertilisation
new combination of alleles
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What is independent assortment
shuffling of maternal and paternal chromosomes / new combination
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Whats the order of classification
Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, gtenus, species
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Define genetic diversity
Number of different alleles of each gene.
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Why would the same organism but in differwent enviroment have a higher genetic variation
Because they have more allele in each gene
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How should you carry out a breeding experiment
cross shrimps from 2 sites, observe for any mating, make sure they are isolated beforehand
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How do biologist know the organisms are the same species
the same species should be able to breed
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Explain how a very high diversity of bird species has developed in the Amazonian forest.
There was geographical isolation, so offspring had variation or muation, selection pressure killed off those who didn't have this allele, adapted organism survived and breed. This changes the allele frequency
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Why is speciation far less frequent in some part of an enviroment
Because the enviroment still may be the same, biotic factors, same selection pressure, no isolation
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Why pass the forceps through a Bunsen flame before and after each time she used them.
To sterilise it, to prevent contamination
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What happens to the appearance of the agar plate after incubation when cultering bacterium
There is clear zone (area which is inhabitable for bacteria), antibiotic diffuse out of paper into agar, a bacteria would be resistant to antiabiotic
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How does mutation spread
By interbreeding, migration, colonies split off
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Type of FACTOR causes variation within a species
Genetic and enviromental
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How does a deacrease in population of organism affect genetic diversity
Reduces the genetic diversity because theres a fewer genes
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Define species
group of organisms with similar features, which can produce a fertile offspring
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Definition of mutation
any changes to the quantity or base sequence of the dna of the organism
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Define Chromosome mutation
• affects the large region of the DNA that is contained within the chromosome
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Define Gene Mutation
Any changes to 1+ nucleotide base or changes in the sequence of the base in the DNA
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Types of Gene mutation
Insertion, substitution, deletion
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What happens in substitution of bases (gene mutation)
Nucleotide in DNA is replaced by another nucleotide that has a different base
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what are the effects of substitution of bases
the different amino acid will be coded or there'll be a silent mutation
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Why does a silent mutation occur
because the code is degenerate
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What is a silent mutation
Where the change in base hasnt affect the triplet code, therefore, the same amino acid is coded. the polypeptide hasn't changed
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What happens when the substitution of base changes the amino acid
The amino acid will change the primary sequence, therefore, bond will happen in different positions, thus, the tertiary structure will be different
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Why will an enzyme become non-functional if the amino acid is different
The amino acid will change the primary sequence, therefore, bond will happen in different positions, thus, the tertiary structure will be different. The active site is different and isn't compelmentary to the substrate, thus, no E-S complexes
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What happens in deletion of bases (gene mutation)
Nucleotide is lost from the normal DNA sequence, causing a frameshift, different amino acid is coded for
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What occurs in insertion of bases (gene mutation)
Nucleotide is gained from the normal DNA sequence, causing a frameshift, different amino acid is coded for
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Define frameshift
A genetic muation cause by deletion or insertion in a DNA sequence that shifts the way the sequence is read
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Types of chromosome mutation
Chromosome deletion, inversion, duplication
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Definition of Aneuploidy
The numeric change in PART of the chromosome set
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Define Polypliod
The numeric change in the WHOLE set of chromosome
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What is down syndrome (TRISOMY 21)
They have an abnormal number of chromosome in a cell [nondisjunctions of chromosome 21]
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Definition of meiosis
Usually produces 4 daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosome as the parent cell
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Define homologous chromosome
2 chromosomes that carry the same gene but not the same allele of the gene
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Define zygote
2 haploid gamete fuse together to promote variation
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Difference between meiosis and mitosis
In meiosis, the sister chromatids don't separate in ANAPHASE 1
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What are the types of variation
Continuous and discontinuous
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What happens to chrmosome at stage 2


Homologous chromosome pairs is separated and pulled at the centromere

Card 3


Number of genetically different gametes: Cc,Bb, Dd


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does natural selection happen


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does organism become resistant


Preview of the front of card 5
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