GCSE OCR Law Unit 3 - Health and Safety (Employees fault or Employers fault)

You have to decide which of the parties is at fault. The employee or the employer.

These are extracts taken from "OCR Law for GCSE".


1. Roberto delivers tomatoes to an Italian restaurant. He carries several boxes down a corridor and trips over a chair which has been left in the corridor. Roberto breaks his leg.

  • Employers Fault
  • Employees Fault
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. Graham is told to change a light bulb in the factory where he works. The only ladder he can find has two broken rungs so Graham stands on a chair to change the bulb.

  • Employers Fault
  • Employees Fault

3. Kendra works at a computer all day. She gets headaches and asks her employer for a better screen. Kendra's employer tells her that if she wants a better screen, she will need to buy it herself.

  • The Employer should provide the correct equipment to use to work.
  • The Employee should provide the correct equipment to use to work.

4. Sandra works as a kennel maid. She is given gloves to wear when she feeds the dogs. Sandra does not wear the gloves as she says they smell funny. Sandra is bitten by a dog and the bite becomes infected.

  • Employees Fault
  • Employers Fault

5. Tariq works in a chemical factory. He is given strict instructions on how to store the chemicals and protective clothing. His boss checks every week that Tariq is following the correct procedures.

  • The Employer should check to ensure that all procedures are being followed.
  • The Employee should check to ensure that all procedures are being followed.


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