This resource doesn't cover one specific topic or the whole of C2. I have made flash cards (not electronically) and when filtering through them I have made this quiz to help me remember all the flash cards I didn't know. Please don't take this as a staple revision source - this only has a few random pieces from different topic areas.


1. Define 'simple molecular covalent compounds'

  • Large molecules consisting of only metallic atoms
  • Small molecules consisting of only non-metallic atoms
  • Small molecules consisting of only metallic atoms
  • Large molecules consisting of only non-metallic atoms
1 of 18

Other questions in this quiz

2. How do scientists use chromatography to identify colourless substances like amino acids and sugars>

  • Spraying the paper with universal indicator so the colourless substances change colour
  • Setting it on fire with a bunsen burner
  • Spraying the paper with a locating reagent which reacts with the invisible spots to produce a colour
  • Filtering it and seeing which colours are left

3. How do you test for sulfate ions?

  • Placing the sulfate ion solution in an oxygen tank. It will freeze is sulfate ions are present.
  • Adding HCl and barium chloride solution. If a white precipitate forms it contains sulfate ions. The precipitate will be barium sulfate.
  • Adding phosphate ions and silver nitrate. The metal will run off and fizz, producing a hydrogen. This shows sulfate ions are present.
  • Adding sulfuric acid and barium chloride solution. A displacement reaction will occur to show sulfate ions are present.

4. How do you test for chloride ions?

  • Add silver nitrate, if a precipitate forms it contains chloride ions.
  • Bubble it through limewater - if a blue precipitate is formed it contains chloride ions.
  • Dip a nichrome wire in acid and dip it in the substance, put it in a bunsen burner and the flame will turn blue if chloride ions are present.
  • Add water sterilising tablets. If it turns cloudy, chloride ions were present, as chlorine is present in a swimming pool.

5. What group are alkali metals in?

  • 1
  • 3
  • 7
  • 4


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