G485 Module 1 - Magnetic Fields

Syllabus: OCR Physics A - Unit G485

Covers pages 96, 97,100 - 105 in the textbook, on Electric Fields.

Happy revising!

  • Created by: Beth1234
  • Created on: 15-06-11 15:15

1. In a magnetic field diagram, a dot represents...

  • ...field going away from you.
  • ...centre of charge.
  • ...field coming towards you.
  • ...current coming towards you.
  • ...current going away from you.
1 of 6

Other questions in this quiz

2. What is Fleming's left-hand rule used to determine?

  • Force on a current carrying conductor placed parallel to a magnetic field.
  • Current generated when a force acts on an object at right angles to a magnetic field.
  • Force on a current carrying conductor placed at right angles to a magnetic field.
  • Force on a magnetic field when a current passes through it.
  • Current generated when a force acts on an object parallel to a magnetic field.

3. Which of the following facts are NOT true?

  • Imagine a long straight wire, with current coming out of the screen towards you. The field goes clockwise around it.
  • Placing an iron core inside a colenoid will create an electromagnet.
  • Electromagnets can be used in fusion reactors.
  • The field around a wire is circular.
  • The strength of a electromagnet can be increased by increasing the number of turns in the wire around it.

4. What is flux density?

  • Force on one metre of wire carrying a current of one amp at right angles to the magnetic field.
  • Field around one metre of wire carrying a current of one amp at right angles to the force.
  • Force on one metre of wire carrying a current of one amp parallel to the magnetic field.

5. Magnetic fields can change a particle's direction, but not its speed.

  • True
  • False


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