Functionalist, strain and subcultural theories

  • Created by: Sstar99
  • Created on: 15-09-19 21:09

1. Explain the difference between ritualism and retreatism?

  • Ritualistic have lost sight of society’s goals, but still follow the legitimate means or rules; retreatists have rejected both society’s goals and the legislate means to achieve them.
  • Because some people are not effectively socialised and because in complex societies there are subcultural differences in norms and values.
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2. Explain the difference between goals and means?

  • Goals are the things we are expected to want and strive for, such a success, money, fast cars; means are the ways in which a person may obtain or achieve these goals.
  • It assumes that all those who experience a strain to anomie will deviate, but many who experience strain do not deviate.
  • Boundary maintenance- reinforcing norms and values for the majority; adaptation- facilitating social change; safety-value, warning of a societal malfunction.


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