Chemistry - Fuel and hydrocarbons

  • Created by: Kalitise
  • Created on: 05-06-18 19:08
What is the general formula for the alkAnes?
CnHn+2 (this means the number of hydrogen atoms is(Carbon x 2) +2)
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What is the general formula for the alkEnes?
CnH2n (this means the number of hydrogen atoms is carbons x 2)
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How was coal formed?
Around 300 million years ago, before the time of the dinosaurs, plants died in swamps. They were buried under layers of mud and water around 100 million years ago. Heat and pressure turned the dead plants into coal.
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How was crude oil and natural gas formed?
Millions of years ago, animals and plants sunk to the bottom of the ocean and got covered with layers of mud. The pressure and heat slowly turned the remains into crude oil
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What is crude oil?
Crude oil is a mixture of compounds that all have different boiling points.
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What are these groups called?
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How can fractions be separated?
Fractions can be separated through the process of fractional distillation.
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How does a fractional distillation column work?
Crude oil is pumped into the bottom of the column it is then heated up and the gas rises to the top. Because all the fractions have different boiling points, they heat up a.... ???
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Does the chain length increase or decrease as you go down the frA column?
The chain length increases.
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Does the flammability increase or decrease as you go down the column?
The flammability decreases
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Does the viscosity increase or decrease as you go down the column?
The viscosity increases.
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Does the boiling range increase or decrease as you go down the column?
The boiling range increases.
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What does viscosity mean?
The viscosity of a fluid is the measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. For liquids, it corresponds to the informal concept of "thickness"; for example, honey has higher viscosity than water.
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What is combustion?
Combustion is when a substance burns in oxygen.
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What is a fuel?
A fuel is a substance that burns to produce energy.
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What is a hydrocarbon?
A hydrocarbon is a compound containing ONLY hydrogen and carbon.
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What can be used to test for the presence of hydrogen?
Cobalt chloride paper can be used to test for hydrogen. It changes from blue ➡️ Pink when hydrogen is present.
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What will be produced produced when a fuel containing carbon is burned? Why?
Carbon Dioxide will be produced because when a substance is burned it reacts with oxygen. Carbon + oxygen ➡️ Carbon dioxide
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What's will be produced when a fuel containing hydrogen is burned? Why?
Water or H2O will be produced because when when a substance burns it reacts with oxygen. H2 + O2 ➡️ H2O
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What will be produced when a hydrocarbon burns in a plentiful supply of oxygen?
Carbon dioxide and water will be produced (CO2 and H2O)
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What is called when a hydrocarbon burns in a plentiful supply of oxygen?
Complete combustion
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What is complete combustion?
When a hydrocarbon burns in a plentiful supply of oxygen.
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What is incomplete combustion?
When a hydrocarbon burns in an limited supply of oxygen.
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What is it called when a substance burns in a limited supply of oxygen?
Incomplete combustion.
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What is produced through incomplete combustion?
Carbon monoxide (CO) and soot (C).
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Describe Carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odourless gas, it is also poisonous which makes its extremely dangerous.
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What can be used to protect people from Carbon monoxide gas?
Carbon Monoxide detectors
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How can Carbon monoxide kill you?
When CO is inhaled, it enters your bloodstream and hooks onto your haemoglobin (the party of red blood cell that carriers oxygen). This forms carboxyhaemoglobin which stops the cell from being able to carry oxygen resulting in death from a lack of O.
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Name two families of hydrocarbons.
Alkenes and Alkanes.
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What will the name of an Alkanes always end in?
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What does the first part of the name of an Alkanes or Alkene tell you?
the numbers of carbon atoms.
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How can you remember the list of prefixes in Alkanes and Alkenes.
My Enourmous Penguin Bounces Pretty High High Off the ground.
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Recite the prefixes of Alkanes and Alkenes.
1- Meth, 2- Eth, 3- Prop, 4- But, 5- Pent, 6- Hex, 7- Hept, 8- Oct.
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What is a homologous series?
A homologous series is a group of compounds with the same generals formula and similar chemical properties.
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What property do the Alkenes share?
They are all flammable
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The Alkenes are a _______ s_____ of _______
Homologous series of hydrocarbons.
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What is different about the Alkenes and the Alkanes?
The Alkenes have a doubles one between two of the Carbon atoms.
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What is cracking.
Cracking is when long chain Alkenes that are less useful are split into smaller chains.
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What happens when Alkanes are split.
When Alkanes are splits, there are not enough hydrogen atoms to make only Alkenes so a mixture of Alkenes and Alkanes are produced.
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What two things does cracking do to a molecule?
1 - it makes smaller molecules and 2 - it makes a mixture of Alkanes and Alkenes.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the general formula for the alkEnes?


CnH2n (this means the number of hydrogen atoms is carbons x 2)

Card 3


How was coal formed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How was crude oil and natural gas formed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is crude oil?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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