Formation of Romantic Relationships

  • Created by: Jade
  • Created on: 02-11-13 17:34
What are the two theories about the formation of romantic relationships
1- the reward need satisfaction model (RNSM) 2- Similarity model
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What two theories is the RNSM based on
1- Skinner's operant conditioning 2- Pavlov's classical conditioning
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In the RNSM how is classical conditioning used to show how relationships form?
If you associate someone with a good feeling or place you are more likely to want to spend time with them and form a relationship
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In the RNSM how is operant conditioning used to show how relationships form?
If someones presence is rewarding for us we will want to be around them. People will stay in committed relationships because of the rewards they get
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Outline Aron et al's (2005) study that supports the RNSM
17 participants had an MRI scan of their brain. When asked question about love the area of their brain associated with rewards and punishment was activated
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Outline Hamilton's (1980) study that supports the RNSM
Female participants were asked to look at a photograph of a male and rate it. There were three conditions 1- no music (neutral stimuli) 2- Rock music (positive stimuli) 3- modern music (negative stimuli).
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What are the 3 stages of the similarity theory, in order
1- Dissimilarity (superficial) 2- Similarity (deep) 3- Attitude alignment
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What is involved in the dissimilarity stage of the similarity thoery
Looking for dissimilarities in potential partners i.e. clothing, appearance, attractiveness. And removing the least similar to you from a metal list
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What is involved in the similarity stage of similarity theory
Engaging with people to work out similarities in personality and attitude
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What is involved in the attitude alignment stage of similarity theory
People will adapt their personality and attitude to become more similar to that of their partners
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Name a study that supports similarity theory
Singh and Tan (1992) tested similarity in Singapore. Lehr and Geher (2006) found that students were attracted to other students with similar attitudes (who liked them)
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Name a study that contradicts similarity theory
Yoshida (1972) other factors are important too. Speakman et al body fat levels are important
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Card 2


What two theories is the RNSM based on


1- Skinner's operant conditioning 2- Pavlov's classical conditioning

Card 3


In the RNSM how is classical conditioning used to show how relationships form?


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Card 4


In the RNSM how is operant conditioning used to show how relationships form?


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Card 5


Outline Aron et al's (2005) study that supports the RNSM


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