food tech

what 5 things shall you do before you cook?
wash your hands, wash your desk,put on apron, pr-heat oven and get out your folder.
1 of 5
what can cause saminella?
put hot cakes that have raw egg in it, put it in the fridge.
2 of 5
can you name 3 sharp objects?
knife, pizza cuter and potato peeler.
3 of 5
name as many saftey rules you can.
wash hands, tie hair back, take off loose clothing, wash table.
4 of 5
why should you take off loose clothing or any other loose items?
because if you got in caught on the cooker it could set fire.
5 of 5

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Card 2


what can cause saminella?


put hot cakes that have raw egg in it, put it in the fridge.

Card 3


can you name 3 sharp objects?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


name as many saftey rules you can.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why should you take off loose clothing or any other loose items?


Preview of the front of card 5


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