feminism family

difference feminism
liberal, marxist and radical feminists tend to see women as a single group whore share interests and are all equally exploited. however difference feminism emphasises that women are not one single, united group but rather have a variety of interests
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radical feminists and the family?
believe that family plays a major role in maintaining the oppression of women in a patriarchal society.
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germaine gréer (2000)
argues that even in marriage today women remain subservient to their husbands. she believes that single women are generally happier than married women and this is reflected in the high number of divorces instigated by women.
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she also claims that wives are more likely to suffer abuse than husbands
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marxist feminism and the family?
family benefits capitalism and exploits women in doing so
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margaret benston?
claims that wives are used to produce and rear cheap labour for employers. the childcare they provide is unpaid and they also help maintain their husbands as workers at no cost to employers.
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från ashley?
believes that wives suffer as a result of the frustration experienced by their husbands in the alienating work that they do for capitalists
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liberal feminism and the family?
Jennifer somerville, believes that women are disadvantaged in families, but she critics radical and marxist feminists for failing to accept that progress has been made in some way.
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Jennifer somerville found?
when now have much more choice about whether to marry whether they paid work when married and whether they stay married. there is now greater equality within marriage and greater sharing of the responsibility for paid and unpaid work and childcare
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exaggerating the exploitation of women within the family. failing to acknowledge the increasing equality between men and women. oversimplifying by taking little account of differences in the circumstances of different groups of women.
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difference feminism and the family?
nicholson-women better off outside traditional families and all types of family and household should be socially accepted because they suit women in different circumstances.
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Card 2


radical feminists and the family?


believe that family plays a major role in maintaining the oppression of women in a patriarchal society.

Card 3


germaine gréer (2000)


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Card 4




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Card 5


marxist feminism and the family?


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