Federalism- consequences, positives and negatives

  • Created by: Tom
  • Created on: 05-05-13 17:25
Legal Consequences of federalism
Oregon allows doctor-assisted suicide. South Dakota has passed USA's strictest abortion laws. Washington legalized cannabis. Massachusetts legalized gay marriage, California bans it
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Political Consequences of Federalism
State based elections. Arizona experimented with on line voting. Montana with experimented with postal voting, Gingrich and Santorum failed to qualify for Virginia primary in 2012 because of state ballot access laws
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Economic Consequences of Federalism
Federal grants go to the states. Variations in US taxation. Income tax levied by both federal and state. Some states have sales taxes- Montana
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Distinct regions of the USA with their own cultures, ideologies, racial and religious views
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Positives of Federalism
Permits diversity. More access points. Protection of individual rights. Policy Laboratories. Suited to a large nation
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Negatives of federalism
Masks economic and racial inequalities. Frustrates national will. Creates federal-state conflict. Overly bereaucratic
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Card 2


State based elections. Arizona experimented with on line voting. Montana with experimented with postal voting, Gingrich and Santorum failed to qualify for Virginia primary in 2012 because of state ballot access laws


Political Consequences of Federalism

Card 3


Federal grants go to the states. Variations in US taxation. Income tax levied by both federal and state. Some states have sales taxes- Montana


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Card 4


Distinct regions of the USA with their own cultures, ideologies, racial and religious views


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Card 5


Permits diversity. More access points. Protection of individual rights. Policy Laboratories. Suited to a large nation


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