Family Sociologists and Concepts

4 functions: sexual, reproductive, economic, and educational.
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Primary socialisation and the stabilisation of adult personalities.
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Engels (Marxist)
Family had an economic function or keeping wealth within the bourgeoisie by passing it on to the next generation.
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Zaretsky (Marxist)
The family is the one place in society where the proleteriat can have power and control.
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Criticism of the Marxist view?
Entirely focused on benefits to the economy. Ignores other benefits to individuals or society.
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What is the feminist perspective on the family?
It helps to maintain patriarchy. The family supports and reproduces inequalities between men and women.
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Key points of Marxist feminism?
See the exploitation of women as essential to the success of capitalism.
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Key points of Radical feminism?
See the exploitation of women as being down to the domination of men in society. Men will always oppress women. Women do most of the work and men get most of the benefit.
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Key points of Liberal feminism?
The family is only sexist because it supports mainstream culture which is sexist. Believe that social change is possible.
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Criticisms of feminism?
Portrays women as too passive. Doesn't acknowledge that power might be shared within a family.
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What do the New Right believe about the traditional nuclear family and its values?
They are best for society. Think that social policies on family, children and divorce have undermined the family.
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The welfare benefits are too high and create a 'culture of dependency', where an individual finds it acceptable to take benefits rather than work.
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What do the New Right believe has led to a breakdown in traditional values?
The increase in LP and reconstituted families and easier access to divorce.
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Stacey (Postmodernist)
Reckons there's such a diversity of family types that there'll never be one dominant type of family in Western culture again. Says that family structures in WS are flexible.
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Postmodernist view on diversity and flexibility?
Positive. Means that individuals can always choose from several options depending on personal needs.
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Why does Parsons think the dominant family structure has changed?
More useful for industrial society.
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2 positives of the industrial nuclear family?
It can focus on primary socialisation. It is geographically mobile.
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What do functionalists say about how industrialisation has changed roles and status in the family?
PI society: status was ascribed. The nuclear family is best for allowing social mobility.
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Norms and values, socialisation.
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Childhood is a social construction.
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Stabilisation of adult personalities and emotional safety valve
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Duncombe and Marsden
Dual burden -> triple shift.
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Stabilisation of adult personalities and socialisation.
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Wilmott and Young
Conjugal roles and symmetrical family.
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Separation of the sexes and matrifocal family.
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ISA and RSA.
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Difference between segregated and conjugal roles
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Intro of health, education and housing policies => fam performs its function effectively.
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Commercialisation of how women work as 2 major economic developments in reducing women's hw burden.
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Important decisions taken by the male alone.
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Women more likely than men to do jobs that involve emotional labour
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Found symmetry in relationships of lesbian cohabitating couples.
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Pahl and Vogler
2 main types of control over family income - pooling and allowance system.
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On average a woman suffers 35 assaults before making a complaint.
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Most important feature of the modern idea of childhood is the idea of separateness.
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Dobash and Dobash
DV could be set off by what a husband saw as a challenge to his authority.
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Fam structures = fragmented. Far more choice.
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We have moved away from the traditional fam type to diversity.
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Sees policy as a form of state control over the family. Children need to be protected.
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Patriarchal fam has been undermined by greater gender equality. Negotiated family.
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We need to reverse the current trend towards earlier retirement.
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PI society women had equality. IS restricted roles.
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Theres continued evidence of the continued existence of a separate children's culture.
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Old age has been socially constructed as a period of dependency.
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Rapid technological changes have damaged children's physical, emotional, and intellectual development.
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Childhood is disappearing.
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Women prostitute themselves for financial security and heir creation.
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Criticises F view that PI fams were nuclear. Only 10% were.
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Women now have greater choice. Enabled women to free themselves from patriarchal oppression.
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Interviewed MC couples. Men had DM control over major decisions.
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Oakley (Industrialisation)
The role of the hw was socially constructed by the social changes of the IR.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Primary socialisation and the stabilisation of adult personalities.



Card 3


Family had an economic function or keeping wealth within the bourgeoisie by passing it on to the next generation.


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Card 4


The family is the one place in society where the proleteriat can have power and control.


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Card 5


Entirely focused on benefits to the economy. Ignores other benefits to individuals or society.


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