Families and Households

  • Created by: Jo Saul
  • Created on: 14-05-14 15:26
Murdock (1949) - Functionalist
The family performs four basic functions: Sexual, Economic, Reproductive and Educational.
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Talcott Parsons (1950s) - Functionalist
The family has two basic functions: primary socialisation and stabilisation of adult personalities.
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Morgan (1975)
Criticises Murdock for not making reference to any alternative households or to the disharmony in some families.
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Engels (1884) - Marxist
He believed the family had an economic function of keeping wealth within teh bourgeoisie by passing it on to the next generation as inheritance.
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Zaretsky (1976) - Marxist
He focused on how the family helped the capitalist economy. He argued that the family is one place in society where the proletariat can have power and control.
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Benston (1969) - Feminist - Marxist
She points out that is housework were paid even at minimum wage levels it would damage capitalist profits hugely.
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Ansley (1972) - Feminist - Marxist
She thinks that men take out their frustration and stress from work on women, instead of challenging the capitalist system.
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Delphy and Leonard (1992) - Feminist - Radical
They see the family as a patriarchal institution in which women do most of the work and men get most of the benefit.
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Charles Murray (1989) - New Right
He believed that welfare benefits are too high and create a 'dependency culture' where an individual finds it easy and acceptable to take benefits rather than work.
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Judith Stacey (1990) - Postmodernist
She believed that there is such a diversity of family types, relationships and lifestyles that there'll never be one dominant type of family in Western culture again.
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Peter Laslett (1972)
He believed that the nuclear family was the most common structure in Britain even before industrialisation.
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Willmott and Young (1960, 1973) - Functionalists
They believed that there were four stages of the family. Stage One: Pre-Industrial. Stage Two: Early Industrial. Stage Three: Privatised Nuclear. Stage Four: Asymmetrical.
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Willmott (1988) - Functionalist
He suggested that extended family ties are still important to the modern nuclear family.
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Eversley and Bonnerjea (1982)
They found that middle class areas in the UK have a higher than average proportion of nuclear families.
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Rapoport and Rapoport (1982)
They identified five types of family diversity; organisational diversity; cultural diversity; class diversity; life-course diversity and; cohort diversity.
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Murray (1989) - New Right
He suggests that single-mother families are a principle cause of crime and social decay, because of the lack of a male role model and authority figure in the home.
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Robert Chester (1985) - Functionalist
He admits that there has been some growth in family diversity, but believes that the nuclear family remains the dominant family structure.
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Ann Oakley (1974) - Feminist
She found that women took on a double burden.
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Ferri and Smith (1996)
They found that two thirds of full-time working mothers said they were responsible for cooking and cleaning.
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Dobash and Dobash (1979)
They found that police usually didn't record violent crime by husbands against their wives.
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Melanie Phillips (2003)
She highlights the fact that women abuse men too and male victims are often ignored by society and the police.
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Neil Postman (1994)
He believes that childhood is disappearing and children are growing up to fast.
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June Statham and Charlie Owens (2007)
They found that black and dual-heritage children were more likely to end up in care than white or Asian children.
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Julie Brannan (1994)
She found that Asian families were much stricter with their daughters than their sons.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Talcott Parsons (1950s) - Functionalist


The family has two basic functions: primary socialisation and stabilisation of adult personalities.

Card 3


Morgan (1975)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Engels (1884) - Marxist


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Zaretsky (1976) - Marxist


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