families and households

(COUPLES) According to Parsons which role do men perform?
The instrumental role- the breadwinner, provides for the family financially
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What type of conjugal roles do symmetrial families involve?
Joint conjugal roles- the couple share tasks such as housework and children and spend their leisure time together
2 of 90
Gershuny believes that men are more likely to do labour if their wives are in what type of employment?
Full time- wives who worked full time did 73% of the housework, the longer the wife had been in paid work the more the husband was likely to do
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2 examples of the commercialisation of housework
Hoovers, microwaves (made housework easier and quicker)
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What do Ferri and Smith say about the impact of increased women in employment and the domestic division of labour?
It had little impact on the division of labour, in a sample of over 1500 the father took the main responsibility for childcare in fewer than 4% of families
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who said women now take on a triple shift and what is it?
Dunscombe and Marsden- women perform housework, paid work and emotional work
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2 reasons why gender division of labour continues to exist amoung many couples
Expectations of each partner (expressive and instrumental), the traditional gender scripts
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What is meant by gender scripts?
The expectations or norms that set out the different gender roles men and women in heterosexual couples are expected to play
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What reasons do Pahl and Vogler give for men having more power to influence family decision making?
Economic factors- they focus on how each partners contribution to family income affects decision making (men take control with decisions due to thinking they have control due to their income)
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2 reasons why there is a dark figure on domestic violence
People are reluctant to report it, incidents don't always make it to court so the overall number is lower than it should be.
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Identify and explain 2 explanations of abuse
The feminist explanation- all societies have been founded on patriarchy and men dominate through dv or threat of it. WILKINSON- dv is a result of stress on family members caused by social problems (financial)
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(CHILDHOOD) what is meant by the social construction of childhood?
This means childhood is created and defined by society. What people mean by childhood and the position that children occupy in society is not fixed, but differs between times, places and cultures.
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What does Pilcher note as being the most important feature of the modern idea of childhood?
Seperateness- it is seen as a clear and distinct life stage, and children in out society occupy a seperate status from adults
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What does Aries say about childhood in the Middle Ages?
The idea of childhood did not exist, there were no distinction between children and adults, children were mini-adults
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How does Shorter explain the cause of different paternal attitudes in the Middle Ages?
Shorter argues that high death rates encourages indifference and neglect, especially towards infants.
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How does Pollock criticise Aries?
Criticises Aries for arguing that childhood did not exist in the past, she argues it would be more correct to say they had a different notion of childhood.
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2 reasons for changes in the position of children
Laws restricting child labour and the Butler Act 1944 made school free for all, giving children access to education
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3 ways adults have control over children
Control their space, time and access to resources
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One reason why Postman believes childhood is disappearing
Children having the same access as adults or even more to information
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What does Opie say about the disappearance of childhood?
Childhood is not disappearing- she conducted research into childrens games, rhythms and songs and argues there is strong evidence of the existence of a seperare culture
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Why does Palmer claim that their is a toxic childhood?
The rapid technological and cultural changes in the past 25 years that have damaged childrens physical, emotional and intellectual development- these range from junk food, computer games and intensive marketing to children.
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(PERSPECTIVES) What are the 4 functions of the family according to Murdock?
The satisfaction of the sex drive, reproduction of the next generation, meeting members economic needs and socialisation of the young
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How do Marxists criticise Murdock?
They argue that the family serves the needs of capitalism, not the needs of family members or society as a whole
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What are the 2 functiosn of the family according to Parsons?
The stabilisation of adult personalities (warm bath) and primary socialisation
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What type of family was dominant in the pre-industrial society according to Parsons?
The extended family
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How does Laslett criticise Parsons?
Laslett argues that the nuclear family already existed and industrialisation did not cause a shift in the family type
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According to Parsons, what 2 needs does industrial society have?
Asocially mobile workforce and a geographically mobile workforce
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According to Marxists what are the 3 functions of the family and who suggested them?
Inheritance of property (Engles), ideological functions, safety valve (Zaretsky) and a unit of consumption- Keeping up with the jones, pester power
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2 criticisms of Marxism
Functionalists- they ignore the benefits the family provides for its members-support and it ignores family diversity, they assume the nuclear family is dominant and ignores all others
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What view do liberal feminists take towards the family?
A march of progress view, they recognise that there have been improvements to the position of women
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Name the 3 functions which Marxist feminists claim womens oppression serves capitalism
Women reproduce the labour force, women absorb anger and are a reserve army of cheap labour
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What does Ansely say about wives absorbing their husbands anger?
Describes wives as takers of **** who soak up the frustration of their husbands
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What do Radical feminists see as the solution to abolishing patriarchy in society?
They argue the only way to abolish womens oppression is through seperatism- women must organise themselves to live independently from men
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How does Somerville criticise Radical feminists?
They fail to recognise that womens postitions have improved considerably- with better access to divorce, better job opportunities, control over their own fertility and the ability to choose whether to marry or cohabit
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3 reasons for the decline in the birth rate
Changes in the position of women, child centerdness, children have become an economic liability and decline in the infant mortality rate
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How do changes in fertility affect the dependency ratio in the short and long term?
In the short term- the fall in the number of children reduced the burden of dependency on the working pop. Long term- fewer babies being born means fewer young adults and a smaller working pop meaning the burden of dependency may increase again
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2 reasons why women today have their children at a later age
Increases job opportunities for women (put career first), they're able to choose the right time for them
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3 reasons for the decline in the death rate
Improved medical treatment, Improved nutrition knowledge and public heath and environmental improvments
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How has the life expectancy changes over the past 2 centuries?
It has increased by 2 years every decade
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2 factors which have influenced the ageing population
Declining fertility (fewer young people are being produced in relation to the number of old) and increased life expectancy (people are living longer into old age)
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3 effects of an ageing population
Public services- need more money as older people consume a larger proportion of the services, One person pensioner households- 14% of all households, the younger can't get onto the property ladder and The dependency ration- increased burden: workers
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What reasons does Townsend give for the negative attitudes to the elderly?
The old age has been socially constructed as a period of dependency created by things like retirement age where most people are expected to stop working and rely on the working population to provide for them
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What is net migration?
The difference between the numbers immigrating and the number emigrating (coming in and out)
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What are the 2 main eeasons for migration in the UK?
To study and to work (higher levels of education here)
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Name one pull factor which may influence someone to emigrate
Higher wages or better opportunities outside of your home country
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Name one push factor which may influence someone to emigrate to a specific country
Economic recession at home or war
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Identify the effects that migartion may have on the dependency ratio
May contribute to the dependency ratio for a small while as women have higher fertility rates but will reduce the ratio as this creates a bigger work force
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(CHANGING FAMILY PATTERNS) Name 3 reasons for the increase in divorce
Declining stigma and changing attitudes, rising expectations of marriage and changes in the position of women (more control)
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4 types of martial breakdown
Empty shell marriage- continue to live together with no love for the children, Divorce- legal ending of marriage, Seperation/desertion-one walks out on other-no divorce, Legal seperation-offical seperation to give couples time apart
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How has secularisation affected the increase in divorce rates?
Getting a divorce is a lot easyer without fear of the church looking down on them
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What does Fletcher blame for the rising divorce rates?
The higher expectations people place on marriage are a major cause of rising rates, these make couples less willing to tolerate an unhappy marriage
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How has the availability of welfare benefits affected the divorce rate, especially for women?
Rising availability means women no longer have to remain financially dependent on their husbands, freer to leave a marriage
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How does Hochschild compare the home and work place for women?
She argues for many women, the home compares unfavourably with work- At work women feel valued but at home mens continuing resistance to do housework is a source of frustration making the marriage less stable.
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How does Hochschild Claim the differnces between home and the workplace for women has led to a rising divorce rate?
The fact both partners go to work leaves less time and engery for the emotion work needed to address the problems that arise, The contributes to the rising divorce rate
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2 changes in the pattern of marriage in recent years and the reasons for these changes
2 changes- fewer people are marrying (cohabit), more remarriages and 2 reasons- secularisation, decline in stigma to divorce and alternatives to marriage
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What has happened to the number of couples cohabiting in the UK in recent years?
It haa increased, the fastest growing family type in the UK
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One reason why the change to cohabitating has occured
Decline in the stigma attached to sex outside marriage and not being married
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What reason does Weeks claim for an increase in same-sex relationships?
He argued that the increased social acceptance may explain the trend towards same sex cohabitation and stable relationships that resemble those found amoung heterosexuals
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2 reasons for an increase in one person households
Decling in marriages, increased seperation and divorce, LAT's
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2 changes in childbearing in recent years
Women are having children later and fewer, more women are remaining childless
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2 reasons why so few lone-parent families are headed by fathers
Men may be less willing than mothers to give up work and care for children, the widespread belief that women are suited to an 'expressive role'
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What does Murray argue the cause of increased lone-parent families is?
He sees the growth of these families as resulting from over-generous welfare state benefits for unmarried mothers and their children- this provides a perverse incentive (won't go to work just take states money)
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How is the NR criticised for their claim that welfare benefits are over-generous?
Critics argue that welfare benefits are far from generous, lone parent families are much more likely to be in poverty.
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(FAMILY DIVERSITY) What type of family does the NR see as the best fit?
The traditional patriarchal nuclear family is the best fit
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What family does Chester argue is becoming more dominant in modern society? What does this family type include?
Chester argues that the neo-conventional family is becoming more dominant, dual earner family
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What types of diversity do the Rapoports claim exist in modern society in the UK?
5 types of family diversity: Organisational diversity (differences in the way families are organised- joint conjugal), cultural (how cultures and religious families are), social class, life-stage, generational (generations have different attitudes,et
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An advantage that Postmodernists claim comes with greater diversity and choice
It gives individuals greater freedom to plot their own life course- to choose the kind of family and personal relationships that meet their needs
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2 factors that Giddens believes have led to the greater choice and more equal relationships between men and women
Contraception has allowed sex and intimacy rather than reproduction and women have a greater independence as a result of feminism
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What sort of sicety does Beck claim we live in today? And what does this coiety involve?
He claims we live in a risk society whether tradition has less influence and people have more choice, as a result we are more aware of risks because making choices involves calculating the risks and rewards of the different courses of action availabl
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2 trends that have undermined the patriarchal family
Greater gender equality and greater individualism
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What have greater gender equality and individualism created accroding to Beck?
The negotiated family
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Why is the negotiated family less stable than the patriarchal family according to Beck?
Because individuals are free to leave if their needs are not met
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What do Postmodernists claim shapes the modern day family?
They calim that individuals can pick and choose the families and relationships they want, they believe that their shape depends on the active choices people make about how to live their lives
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What did Weeks identify in the shift in attitudes since the 1950's?
He says there is a growing acceptance of sexual and family diversity, attitudes have become more favourable towards issues such as cohabitation and homosexuality
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(FAMILIES AND SOCIAL POLICY) What does Wilson note about the one child policy in China?
The policy is supervised by workplace family planning committees, women must seek permission to try and become pregant
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What happens to the families in China who do not stick to the policy?
Must repay allowances and pay a fine
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2 ways social policy measures changes after the threat of war with Nazi Germany
Abortion was made illegal and parents encouraged to have more children being rewarded with bigger family allowances
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What is the Functionalist view towards social policy and what affect they have on the family?
They see the state as acting in the interest of society as a whole and that policies help families perform their functions more effectively and make life better for members
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One way the functionalist view can be criticised
Func assums all members benefit whereas feminists argue that policies often benefit men at the expense of women
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What does the NR think social policies should do?
Social policies should avoid doing anything that might undermine the traditional, natural and self reliant nuclear family
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What negative impact does the NR think social policy has on the family?
Can encourage a dependency culture where individuals become reliant on the state- perverse incentives
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One way NR can be criticised
Feminists argue that it is an attempt to justify a return to the traditional patriarchal family that subordinated women and confined them to a domestic role
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One way the New Labour view on family and social policy is different to the NR
New labour takes a more positive view of social policy than NR and believes that certain kinds of state intervention can improve life for families
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What does Land claim that social policies often assume about the ideal family?
They assume it is the nuclear family with a male provider and female homemaker and dependent children (cereal packet family)
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Examples of a social policy that reinforced the existsing patriarchal roles and relationships
Courts may assume that women should have custody of children in divorce cases because they are seen as natural carers
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One way the feminist view can be critcised
Not all policies are directed at maintaining patriarchy, some challenge the partiarchal family
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What do Marxists see social policies serving the interest of?
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What does Donzelot see policy as a form of?
A form of state power over families
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What does Donzelot argue about the targeting of surveillance over the social classes?
Surveillance is not targeted equally on all social classes- poor families are more likely to be seen as problem families and are therefore the families that professionals target for improvment
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How do Marxists criticise Donzelot?
He fails to identify clearly who benefits from social policies and Marxists argue that social policies gnerally operate in the interests of capitalism
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What type of conjugal roles do symmetrial families involve?


Joint conjugal roles- the couple share tasks such as housework and children and spend their leisure time together

Card 3


Gershuny believes that men are more likely to do labour if their wives are in what type of employment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


2 examples of the commercialisation of housework


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do Ferri and Smith say about the impact of increased women in employment and the domestic division of labour?


Preview of the front of card 5
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