Exploring Human Geography 2

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 12-05-15 14:22

1. Which is not a feature of Smallman-Raynor and Cliffs The gographical Spread of Cholera in the Crimean War?

  • Mays- Introducing ‘western’ medical methods to Siam and Indochina was, he claimed, a way of ‘saving’ their populations from the perceived problems of indigenous medicine and ensuring the development of the nation in an acceptable fashion
  • Geographical examination of the diffusion of the first cholera wave 1850 in the encampments of the British Army during the Bulgarian and Crimean War. Epidemiological hazard exacerbated by overcrowding, inadequate drainage, poor water supplies
  • The distribution of schiz in Nott is highly localized, in terms of tot pop of patients- closely correlated with those for a whole set of unfavouraunfavourable life circumstances, notably low social status, high unemployment and low social cohesion
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Other questions in this quiz

2. Which is not a feature of Anderson's Culture and Nature at Adelaide Zoo?

  • Cartesian legacies- mapping the cultural boundary of human and animals where animals have served human purposes
  • Natures otherness- If the zoo is a ‘space’, Adelaide Zoo is a ‘place’ which tells us about its own framing contexts of colonialism and post-colonialism, to which must be added an imperial network of animal trading
  • Animal geography is now used to establish how animals are arranged across the earth’s surface, or at small scales, to establish patterns of spatial co-variation between animals and enviro factors- Domestication of natural and cultural landscapes
  • Woven into the story are more general themes the construction of nature under colonialism, the gendered and racialized underpinnings of ‘human’ boundary-making practices in relation to ‘non-human’ animals- power and possess of domestication
  • Zoo as a cultural institution- a human adaptation of the ensemble of life forms that bears the name nature

3. What is Hopkins key idea in Youthful masculinities: gender and generational relations?

  • There is evidence of two main discourses about the masculinities of young Muslim men – one that emphasizes patriarchy and aggression, the other effeminacy and academicism – and together they offer polarized perspectives of young Muslim men's masculin
  • Profane spatialities and temporalities are reconfigured into sacred topologies and how these seekers realise spiritual enlightenment through a reinhabited appropriation or articulation of the world

4. What is Wainwright's main idea in A remarkable disconnect; on violence, military research and the AAG?

  • Violence is pervasive that we take it for granted, from domestic, sexual, mass shootings, terrorism and welfare.
  • Violence is no longer pervasive and plays a less influential role in peoples lives
  • Suggests areas for future military landscape research around virtual military landscapes and considers the landscape effects of military privatization and outsourcing

5. What does Legg (2007) not cover in Reviewing Geographies of Memory?

  • Memories of self
  • Active forgetting
  • Memory changes
  • Subaltern memories
  • Active remembering
  • Memories of collective


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