Experiments and sampling

define laboratory experiments
a method of conducting research in which researchers try to control all the variables except the one that is changed between the experimental conditions.
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strength of laboratory experiment
Laboratory experiments can be replicated to check the findings with either the same or different groups of participants.
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weakness of laboratory experiment
Laboratory experiments may not measure how people behave outside the laboratory in their everyday lives, therefore, it may have low internal validity.
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define field experiment
A field experiment is a way of conducting research in an everyday environment.
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strength of field experiment
allow psychologists to measure how people behave in their everyday lives.
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weakness of field experiment
1)it is not always possible to control extraneous variables that might effect the IV and DV. 2) Field experiments can be difficult to replicate and thus it might not be possible to check the reliability of the findings.
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define quasi experiment
A quasi experiment is one in which, rather than being manipulated by the researcher, the IV is naturally occurring.
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Strength of quasi experiment
1) natural experiments allow psychologists to study the effects of the IVs that could be unethical to manipulate 2)when participants are unaware of the experiment it may have high internal validity
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weakness of quasi experiment
1) participants cannot be allocated randomly between conditions, it is possible that other variables, can also effect DV, this will lead to low internal validity. 2)difficult to replicate- not possible to check reliability of findings
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define structured obeservation
A structured interview is where all the participants are asked the same questions in the same order.
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strength of structure observation
structured interviews can be replicated and can be used to compare people's responces.
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weakness of structure observation
they can be time-consuming and require skilled researchers. people's responses can be affected by social desirability bias.
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Define unstructured observation
In unstructured interviews participants can discuss anything freely and the interviewer devises new questions on the basis of answers given previously.
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strength of unstructured observation
they provide a rich and and detailed information
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weakness of unstructured observation
they are not replicable and people's responses cannot be compared.
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define naturalistic observation
people or animals are observed in their natural environment, without any sort of intervention or manipulation of variables and without their knowledge.
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strength of naturalistic observation
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weakness of naturalistic observation
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define controlled observation
the researcher manipulates the behavior of the observers or the observed
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strength of controlled observation
this allows for greater control of confounding variables meaning it is easier to establish cause and effect relationships.
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weakness of controlled observations
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define participant observations
the researchers get involved with the group of participants they are observing.
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strength of participant observation
1) it is the only way to observe behavior in cults/gangs 2) greater accuracy and detail
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weakness of participant observation
1) its harder to remain objective 2)can influence behavior, reducing validity 3) there are ethical issues such as deception and informed consent
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define non-participant observation
participants are observed from a distance rather than the researchers infiltrating the group.
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strength of non-participant observation
1) easier to remain objective 2) no influence on behavior 3)less ethical issues
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weakness of non-participant observation
1) cant observe certain behavior 2) less detail and accuracy
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define overt observation
participants know that they are being observed.
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strength of overt observation
Reduces ethical issues of consent and privacy
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weakness of overt observation
Reduces validity due to increased demand characteristics.
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define covert observation
participants are unaware of the observation
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strength of covert observation
this is increases validity by reducing demand characteristics.
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weakness of covert observation
raises ethical issues because the participants are being lied to.
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define questionnaire
questionnaires are usually written, but can be conducted face-to-face, completed over the phone, or on the internet. completed by participants. similar to structured interviews as all participants are asked the same questions in the same ord
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advantage of questionnaire
They are a practical way to collect a large amount of information quickly and they can be replicated
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Weakness of questionnaire
problems can arise if the questions are unclear or if they suggest a 'desirable' response, as responses can be affected by social desirability
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define open questions
in responses to this type of question the participant can say as much or as little as they like. the data may be rich and detailed as is qualitative data
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strength of open questions
we may gather detailed explanations for why people behave the way they do
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weakness of open questions
the data is difficult to analyse, cannot be used to make statistical comparisons and may be misinterpreted by the researcher
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define of closed questions
in response to this type of question the participant is forced to choose one of the responses given. the data collected is quantitative data.
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strength of closed questions
the data can be statistically analysed and used to make comparisons and they can be presented in charts or bars
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weakness of closed questions
we only know what people's opinion or behavior is, we have no explanations into their thoughts and feelings.
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define time sampling
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strength of time sampling
1) more representative over time 2) easier, more reliable
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weakness of time sampling
can miss important events
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define event sampling
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strength of event sampling
1) less likely to miss predefined events 2) increases validity and reliablility
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weakness of event sampling
1) can be harder if lots of behavior occurs at once 2) can miss events if they aren't coded for
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


strength of laboratory experiment


Laboratory experiments can be replicated to check the findings with either the same or different groups of participants.

Card 3


weakness of laboratory experiment


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


define field experiment


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


strength of field experiment


Preview of the front of card 5
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