Evil and Suffering Keywords.

  • Created by: Liam
  • Created on: 22-11-12 14:26
Moral evil
Suffering caused by human actions
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Natural evil
Suffering caused by environmental phenomena
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Physical evil
Suffering which is brought about via the physical world
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Performing good acts; helping people
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That which produces suffering; the moral opposite of good
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Inconsistent triad
The idea proposes that God cannot be both omnibenevolent and omniscient and allow evil to exist
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Deprivation or absence of something; term used in Augustinian theodicy
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The experience,or showing the effects, of something which is evil or bad
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Animal suffering
Part of natural world, lives and moves but, in this context, refers to non-human
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Immense suffering
Huge magnitude of scale; can also refer to intensity
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Innocent suffering
Pure and guilt free
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Argument justifying or exonerting God; term used in relation to the existence of evil and suffering
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Eschatological verification
Meaning that all things will be made clear or "verified" in the end times or "eschaton". Can also mean that a person will find out the truth of the matter after death
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Epistemic distance
A distance of knowledge. A phrase used by john Hick in his development of Irenaeus' theodicy to refer to the distance of knowledge between God and humankind
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Augustinian theodicy
Argument based on ideas that evil is caused by created beings, not God, and that God is justified in permitting evil to occur
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Free will defence
Attempt to reconcile the reality of evil with the existence of God by arguing for the necessity of evil in order to enable full and genuine human freedom
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20th century philosopher who articulated (contra Irenaeus) that it could never be morally justifiable to hurt someone in order to help them
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John Hick, modern day philosopher of religion. Champion of religious pluralism; also developed Irenaeus' Theodicy
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Early church father (2nd century) Developed a theodicy which put part of the blame on the existence of evil and suffering onto God. Ireneaus saw evil and suffering as neccesary in the development of humans towards moral perfection
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Irenaean theodicy
argument based on ideas that human beings were not created perferct and remain imperfect and that evil is necessary to permit human freedom of choice
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Problem of evil
The philosophical notion that evil should not exist if God possesses the characteristics traditionaly ascribed to him
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Prominent German theologian and philosopher of the 18th and 19th centuries. Responsible for producing an effective critique against the Augustinian theodicy
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Seminal presence
An Augustinian reference to the idea that, biologically, the whole human race was present "within Adam's loin"
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Modern day philosopher Richard Swinburne, influential in his work on the existence of God, religious experience and miracles
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Free will
The concept that a rational being is able to completely freely dtermine their own futures or destinies through true freedom in making decisions, both ordinary and moral
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Early church father, Augustine of Hippo, converted to Christianity relatively late on in his life. Great intellectual force responsible for the formalisation of what is know accepted as Christian orthodoxy in terms of belief and ethics.
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A concept within the traditions of the Irenaean theodicy that describes how suffering helps humans develop morally (from God's "image" into his "likeness" - cf Genesis 1:26)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Suffering caused by environmental phenomena


Natural evil

Card 3


Suffering which is brought about via the physical world


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Card 4


Performing good acts; helping people


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Card 5


That which produces suffering; the moral opposite of good


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