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6. Who are the first people to mourn for Hector when his body returns to Ilium?

  • Calypso, Iris and Chryseis.
  • Helen, Andromache and the women.
  • The city elders and Hecabe.
  • Paris and the Trojan soldiers.

7. What does Priam bring to Achilles with the hope of exchanging it for Hector's body?

  • A wagon and four Trojan women.
  • A chariot full of treasure.
  • Patroclus' shield.
  • Helen's maid and some wine.

8. Who persuades Zeus that Hector's body needs to be released from Achilles' hold?

  • Apollo
  • Hephaestus
  • Athene
  • Priam

9. How does Priam reduce Achilles to tears and persuade him to release Hector's body?

  • He reminds him of his old age and of Achilles' own father.
  • He tells him of Andromache and Hector's orphaned son.
  • He reminds him of Briseis and her longing for Achilles during her capture.
  • He tells him the story of Glaucas and Diomedes.

10. How does Achilles treat Hector's body at the beginning of book 24?

  • He drags it around Patroclus' tomb every day.
  • He lets the vultures feed on it every day.
  • He allows the Myrmidons to stab it every night.
  • He leaves it to rest on top of Patroclus' funeral pyre.