Other questions in this quiz

2. Why does Achilles finally decide to take Antilochus' prize and give it to the loser of the race?

  • Ajax heard Antilochus bribing Trygaeus into losing.
  • Antilochus suggests that Achilles is lying.
  • Menelaus saw Antilochus commit a foul.
  • Nestor saw Antilochus receiving extra strength from Hephaestus.

3. Why does Achilles decide to bury Patroclus sooner than planned?

  • Patroclus visited him in a dream and asked to be buried soon for his soul to move on.
  • Patroclus' mother made a journey across Troy to attend the burial.
  • Nestor gave Achilles a message from his father, asking him to bury him sooner.
  • Paris was threatening an attack on the Achaean camp in order to take back Patroclus' body.

4. What sort of activities occur in the event organised by Achilles, in order to honour Patroclus?

  • Theatre contests, drinking contests, libations to Zeus and gathering of slave women.
  • Boxing, archery, wresting and chariot racing.
  • Drinking, eating, dancing and singing.
  • Sacrificing, mass praying, ceremonial burning and silent ritual.

5. What happens at the end of Book 23?

  • Trygaeus wins the rest of the games and everyone is jealous.
  • Achilles hands out gold to all the competitors and everyone is happy.
  • Achilles and Antilochus reconcile and everyone is happy.
  • Athene and Hera arrive with food and everyone leaves happy.


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