Other questions in this quiz

2. In a reaction where there is an increase in the number of gaseous molecules, entropy

  • Increases
  • ΔSºreaction = ΣSº(products) - ΣSº(reactants)
  • Decreases

3. For an endothermic reaction to take place spontaneously, ΔS must be positive, and the temperature must be high enough so that

  • TΔS>ΔH
  • TΔS
  • The balance between enthalpy, entropy, and temperature for a process: ΔG = ΔH - TΔS

4. If a change makes a system more random ΔH is positive, and if a change makes a system more ordered, ΔS is

  • Negative
  • ΔSºreaction = ΣSº(products) - ΣSº(reactants)

5. The more disorder there is in the system, the

  • S is always a positive number
  • Higher the entropy
  • Decreases


Lizzie Keys


This is quite helpful but the answers are obvious when only one option makes sense. Hehe.

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