English Literature: Animal Farm Character Profile - Squealer

Complete the sentence: Squealer is a _____, ___ porker with "_________ eyes" and a "_____ voice"
Squealer is a small, fat porker with "twinkling eyes" and a "shrill voice"
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What does Squealer spend the novella promoting?
Napoleon's regime - distorting language and telling lies
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Who/What does Squealer represent?
The use of communist propaganda in Russia - the working classes were controlled by persuasive slogans.
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Who is Squealer protected by? What do they do?
The vicious dogs - who scare the other animals into silence.
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Quote to show Squealer is persuasive
"he had a way of skipping from side to side and whisking his tail which was somehow very persuasive"
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Quote to show Squealer is manipulative
"he could turn black into white"
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Quote to show Squealer is deceitful
Squealer says that "Snowball was in a league with Jones"
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What happens when Napoleon becomes leader of Animal Farm?
Squealer becomes his loyal spokesperson.
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What does Squealer use to win over the other animals? Give an example.
He uses convincing language. E.g. he tells them that "No one believes more firmly than Napoleon" in the equality of animals.
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What does Squealer manipulate to increase Napoleon's power? Give an example.
The animals' fear on Jones. E.g. he asks them "you do not want Jones back?" to make it seem like they only have a choice between the two.
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Give an example of Squealer having an answer for everything.
When all the animals have their rations reduced except the pigs and dogs, Squealers explains that rigid equality is "contrary" to Animalism.
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Why is propaganda used?
It is used as a tool by the pigs to control the other animals and justify unequal living conditions
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What does the use of jargon and statistics do?
Confuse the poorly educated animals
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How does Squealer manipulate the animals? What does this do?
Through the use of clever language which distorts the truth to convince them that life is better on Animal Farm
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Why does Squealer use false statistics? Give an example.
To claim that life is good on the farm" he "proved" to the animals in detail that they had more food than before the rebellion.
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Give an example of Squealer lying to the animals.
He claims that the Battle of the Windmill was a great victory - even though the animals suffered terrible losses and the windmill was destroyed.
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Give an example of Squealer rewriting history.
He turns Napoleon into the hero at the Battle of the Cowshed by saying things like "Comrade Napoleon sprang forward...and sank his teeth into Jones' leg"
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What does Squealer play an important role in?
Destroying Snowball's reputation and turning the other animals against him.
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What is Squealer doing by suggesting to the animals that Snowball's agents are "lurking among us at this moment"?
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Give an example of Squealer making up evidence against Snowball.
He says Snowball was "Jone's secret agent" and it's been "proved by documents"
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What does Squealer convince the animals about Snowball?
That he was a traitor at the Battle of the Cowshed and never awarded 'Animal Hero, First Class'
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What does Orwell use Squealer to show?
How language can be used to influence people. Squealer's ability twist language gives him great power - and this kind of subtle control is very dangerous.
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Which one of Squealer's lies is most fanciful?
The death of Boxer.
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How does Squealer describe Boxer's death even though it's completely made up?
In great sentimental detail. He claims that Boxer's last words were "Napoleon is always right". This shows that he is completely remorseless , willing to abuse Boxer's unfailing to Napoleon to the end.
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What does Squealer say about Napoleon's situation on Boxer's death?
That Napoleon did all he could for Boxer, providing medicine "without a thought as to the cost. This is ironic because Napoleon's only real concern was how much money the pigs could make by selling Boxer.
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What titles was Stalin often given? (2)
'Papa Stalin' and 'Little Father of the Peoples'
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How was Stalin often depicted in propaganda? Why?
Embracing children in propaganda posters - in an attempt to show that he was a caring, loving leader.
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What three things explain why Squealer was a very important member of Napoleon's regime.
He helps build up Napoleon's oppressive, murderous dictatorship, Animal Farm becomes a more efficient state of terror, and creates a new class-based hierarchy where the interests of the pigs are put first.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does Squealer spend the novella promoting?


Napoleon's regime - distorting language and telling lies

Card 3


Who/What does Squealer represent?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who is Squealer protected by? What do they do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Quote to show Squealer is persuasive


Preview of the front of card 5
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