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6. What are the four stages of learning to read?

  • prepatory stage, consolidation stage, differentiation stage, integration stage
  • holophrastic stage, two word stage, telegraphic stage, post telegraphic stage
  • The sight voabulary/whole word stage, discrimination net stage, the phonological recoding stage, the orthographic stage
  • repeated epithet, assonance, aphorism/proverb, epithet as metaphor

7. What is meant by the imaginative stage identified by Halliday

  • that children use language to express feelings, and express growing perceptions of the self
  • that language is used to control the actions of others
  • that children use language to cross the boundary between reality and fantasty
  • that children use language to communicate factual information

8. What is Berko & Brown's fis phenomenon?

  • using language to indicate a need they want satisfying.
  • The view that the comprehension of phonological patterns and the meanings they represent develop faster than the childs ability to say them
  • the theory that parents often respond to the truth in what their child is saying rather than correcting their grammatical mistakes
  • the theory that children whose mothers talk to them more have larger vocabularies

9. What is a common feature of the telegraphic stage?

  • that children have grammatically complex combinations
  • that children commonly omit function words
  • that children use holophrases
  • that children use two word combinations

10. Who believed that children are born with an innate knowledge of the structure of language

  • Chomsky
  • Piaget
  • Assowa
  • Bruner