English Techniques

  • Created by: ChrisD11
  • Created on: 17-12-15 09:32
What is a Simile?
A comparison made using words "like" or "as"
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What is a Metaphor?
A comparison- made directly or indirectly- without using "like" or "as"
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What is Personification?
Giving human characteristics to something which is not human
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What is an Onamatopeia?
Words which attempt to imitate sounds
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What is Alliteration?
A repetition of consonant sounds
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What is Plosive?
"b","p","t","d" sounds- which can be harsh, aggressive or shocking
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What is Sibilance?
Repeated "S" sounds- most often caused by "s" "**" and "c". These can be harsh, smooth or sickly.
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What is Assonance?
A repetition of vowel sounds
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What is Anaphora?
A repetition of words, phrases or clauses
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What is Juxtaposition?
Two things being placed together for contrasting effect
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What is Oxymoron?
A figure of speech in which two contradictory things are placed together in a way which makes peculiar sense
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What is Semantic Field?
A set of words relating to the same topic. "Foul" and "Shot" would appear in a semantic field about sport
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What is Antithesis?
Placing contrasting ideas together
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What is Ambiguity?
A word, phrase or situation where there are two or more possible meanings and it is unclear which is the correct one
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What is Anachronism?
A person or object placed in an inappropriate time
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What is Cliche?
An overused phrase or saying
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What is Hyperbole?
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What is Irony?
A use of words to mean something very different from what they appear to mean
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What is Litotes?
Deliberate understatement for effect-- the opposite of hyperbole
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What is Metonymy?
A related item or attribute is used to replace the word normally used. For example, "suit" is used to replace businessmen.
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What is Pathetic Fallacy?
When a character's feelings,thoughts or emotions are displayed through the environment around them.
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What is Persona?
The speaker of the poem who is different from the writer
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What is Protagonist?
The main character of a poem
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What is Colloquial Language?
informal language, use in everyday conversation
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What is Oxymoron?
two contradictory terms placed together
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What is Connotation?
the meaning that is suggested by a particular word
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What is Excalamations?
show anger, shock, horror, suprise and joy
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What is Repetition?
when word, phrases, sentences or structure are repeated. used to stress certain words or key points
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What is Rhetorical Questions?
Questions which do not require an answer
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What is Superlatives?
Words which express the best or worst of something
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What is Pathos?
language that evokes feelings of pity or sorrow
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What is Resolution?
A term for the ways in which a plot is sorted out, usually at the close of a book
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What is a Rule of Three?
One of the easiest and most useful ways of emphasising a point is by using three words or phrases
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What is Archaic Lexis?
The use of a word, phrase or style which is no longer in popular use
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What is Euphemism?
A word that replaces a word or term than can be considered unpleasant
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What is Caesura?
A break or pause between words in a text which has been placed there for a specific effect or purpose.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a Metaphor?


A comparison- made directly or indirectly- without using "like" or "as"

Card 3


What is Personification?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an Onamatopeia?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Alliteration?


Preview of the front of card 5
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