English QUotations

Ozymandias ‘Half sunk, a shattered visage lies’ ‘wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command’ ‘stamped on these lifeless things’ ‘hand that mocked and the heart that fed’ ‘Look on my works ye mighty, and despair’ ‘Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Context: Ozymandias *Shelley was a Romantic poet. *Ozymandias was the Greek name given to Pharaoh Ramses II
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The Prelude ‘One summer evening (led by her)’ ‘Like one who rows, Proud of his skill’ ‘went heaving through the water like a swan’ ‘The horizon’s bound, a huge peak, black and huge’ ‘Back to the covert of the willow tree’ ‘There hung a darkness, cal
Context: The Prelude *Wordsworth was born in the Lake District, and his birth place had a huge influence on his writing. *He was a Romantic; much of his poetry is about humanities relationship with nature. *This poem also explores the way identity is
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London ‘chartered Thames’ ‘Marks of weakness, marks of woe’ ‘mind-forged manacles’ ‘black’ning church appalls’ ‘hapless soldiers sigh’ ‘Runs in blood down palace walls’ ‘youthful harlot’s curse’ ‘Blasts the new-born infant’s tear’
Context: London *Blake was considered a seminal figure in the Romantic movement. *Blake was concerned with: child labour, prostitution and dangerous work conditions. *Blake supported the French revolution, during this time the people overthrew the mo
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Exposure ‘Dawn massing in the east, her melancholy army Attacks once more in ranks on shivering ranks of grey’’ ‘Slowly our ghosts drag home’ ‘crusted dark red jewels’ ‘innocent mice rejoice’ ‘Shutters and doors, all closed: on us the doors are clos
Context: Exposure *Owen wrote some of the most important poetry of the First World War. *His poem expresses his anger at the cruelty and pity of war. *The last verse was written two months before he was killed. *One of the coldest winters in living m
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Storm on the island ‘you can listen to the thing you fear’ ‘Forgetting that it pummels your house too’ ‘there are no trees, no natural shelter’ ‘Exploding comfortably’ ‘spits like a tame cat Turned savage’ ‘it is a huge nothing that we fear’
Context: Storm on the island *The first 8 letters of the poem’s title spell ‘Stormont’. Stormont is the name given to Northern islands parliament building. *Irish Catholics were discriminated against by the Irish Protestants. *Irish Republicans wante
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Card 2


Context: The Prelude *Wordsworth was born in the Lake District, and his birth place had a huge influence on his writing. *He was a Romantic; much of his poetry is about humanities relationship with nature. *This poem also explores the way identity is


The Prelude ‘One summer evening (led by her)’ ‘Like one who rows, Proud of his skill’ ‘went heaving through the water like a swan’ ‘The horizon’s bound, a huge peak, black and huge’ ‘Back to the covert of the willow tree’ ‘There hung a darkness, cal

Card 3


Context: London *Blake was considered a seminal figure in the Romantic movement. *Blake was concerned with: child labour, prostitution and dangerous work conditions. *Blake supported the French revolution, during this time the people overthrew the mo


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Card 4


Context: Exposure *Owen wrote some of the most important poetry of the First World War. *His poem expresses his anger at the cruelty and pity of war. *The last verse was written two months before he was killed. *One of the coldest winters in living m


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Card 5


Context: Storm on the island *The first 8 letters of the poem’s title spell ‘Stormont’. Stormont is the name given to Northern islands parliament building. *Irish Catholics were discriminated against by the Irish Protestants. *Irish Republicans wante


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