English - Language Techniques

  • Created by: OJMazzers
  • Created on: 20-11-18 18:26
Adjectives are words used to describe. For example: 'The puppy had a warm belly', 'The President gave an important speech' and 'We put on our cumbersome diving suits'.
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An adverb is a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase: In the phrase "she smiled cheerfully", the word "cheerfully" is an adverb. It is describing how she is smiling. These words often end with –‘ly’.
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Alliteration is the use of the same consonant letter or sound at the beginning several connected words. You could also call them alliterative phrases. For example: 'Hannah’s home has heat, hopefully!', 'She sells sea-shells down by the sea-shore' and
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Assonance is similar to alliteration, however, instead of repeating a consonant sound, assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds. This effect can often also create rhyme. For example, 'Beans Means Heinz'.
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Emotive Language
Emotive language is a choice of words used to create an emotional impact on the writer's audience, for example ‘sponsor a poor, lost puppy for only £5 a month’. This might make the reader feel sad, guilty and responsible which might make them more li
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Exaggeration is a phrase that represents something as better or worse than it really is. If the exaggeration is really extreme - it might be a hyperbole instead!
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Form is the overall layout and structure of a text. Some text types have certain forms that you will be expected to know in your exam. For example, the form of an article, letter or speech.
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Foreshadowing is a very commonly used device that gives hints about future events in the story before they happen. Foreshadowing can be very clear and specific or very subtle. In this instance, the narrator appears to be giving a hint that perhaps he
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A hyperbole (hi-per-bol-ee) is a figure of speech in which extreme exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect. For example: 'Your suitcase weighs a ton', 'I have a million things to do' and 'I am so hungry I could eat a horse'.
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Imagery is a technique used by writers to enable their reader to create a clear picture in their head. This often involves a detailed description of a scene with lots of adjectives and the use of the five senses technique. If you can clearly imagine
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An imperative is a command word. It is a word that tells you to do something, much like those that you find in instructions and recipes. For example: 'stir', 'join', 'take off' and 'whisk'.
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Inference is a device used by you, the reader, based on evidence that the author has provided to make an intelligent conclusion about certain events. Most of the time the man with the bloody knife will be the murderer, as demonstrated in the example.
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Inversion, also known as an anastrophe, is a type of literary technique that moves word order around so that a greater effect is achieved. In this example, "Up went the bacon strips" has a much better effect than "The bacon strips went up."
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Juxtaposition is when two things are placed closely together with contrasting effect such as: 'Making a mountain out of a molehill', 'Better late than never' and 'You can’t teach an old dog new tricks'.
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A metaphor is a figure of speech where a word or phrase (that ordinarily means one thing) is used to describe another, therefore making an implicit comparison. For example: ‘a sea of troubles’, 'the curtain of night' or 'all the world's a stage'.
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A noun is a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun).
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Onomatopoeia is a language technique used to describe words that are formed from the sound that the object makes. For example: 'Boom! Bang! Crash!', 'My favourite game is Ping Pong' and 'The thirsty dog slurped the dirty water from the puddle'.
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Oxymoron is used describe words which contradict each other. For example: 'deafening silence', 'hell's angels' or 'living dead'.
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Pathetic Fallacy
Pathetic fallacy is a technique used by writers to set the mood of a text. For example, 'a wet, dull day greeted Mary as she stepped into the grey light. Men huddled by in drab wet coats or stood in dismal doorways waiting for a bus which never seeme
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Personal Pronoun
Personal Pronouns are words such as ‘us’, ‘we’ and ‘our’. They make the reader feel involved in your writing. They are often used in persuasive writing as the words pressure people to take responsibility. They can also be used to create groups in an
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Personification is when a human characteristic is given to an inanimate object or an object without conscious thought. For example: 'The moon winked at me through the clouds above', 'The wind howled its mighty objection' and 'The popcorn leapt out of
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Pronouns are words such as 'She', 'He', 'Him, 'Her', 'They' and 'I' which refer to people and participants in a text.
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Proper Noun
Proper nouns are used to name individual people, places and organisations. For example: 'Shaun', 'London' or 'Nike'.
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Repetition is a language device that simply repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer and more memorable. The repeated words can be right next to each other (such as: 'Education, education, education), at the beginning of
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Semantic Field
A semantic field is a theme created by using words which relate to each other. For example the words 'well-made’, 'sophisticated', 'elegant' and 'rare' suggest a luxurious semantic field.
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Sibilance is the repetition of of the 's' sound in a phrase. Remember- the 's' sound can also be created with a 'c' sound just like in the word 'sibilance'. A common example of sibilance is the rhyme 'She sells seashells by the seashore'.
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A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things, with the help of the words “like” or “as”. For example: 'The water well was as dry as a bone', 'Her hair was as soft as a spider's web' and 'Th
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A superlative is a word which describes something in its most extreme form. For example, in this list 'tall, taller and tallest' the word 'tallest would be the superlative as you can't be taller than the tallest. The best way to spot superlatives is
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A verb is a word which describes an action. Verbs come in three forms - past, present and future or 'walked', 'walking' and 'to walk' or 'ran', 'running' and 'to run'. Verbs can be described using adverbs (see above).
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Card 2


An adverb is a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase: In the phrase "she smiled cheerfully", the word "cheerfully" is an adverb. It is describing how she is smiling. These words often end with –‘ly’.



Card 3


Alliteration is the use of the same consonant letter or sound at the beginning several connected words. You could also call them alliterative phrases. For example: 'Hannah’s home has heat, hopefully!', 'She sells sea-shells down by the sea-shore' and


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Card 4


Assonance is similar to alliteration, however, instead of repeating a consonant sound, assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds. This effect can often also create rhyme. For example, 'Beans Means Heinz'.


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Card 5


Emotive language is a choice of words used to create an emotional impact on the writer's audience, for example ‘sponsor a poor, lost puppy for only £5 a month’. This might make the reader feel sad, guilty and responsible which might make them more li


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