English language revision cards

What is an alliteration?
The same letter at the beginning of a two or more of words close together. Usually used to stress something.
1 of 20
What is an assonance?
The repetition of two or more vowel sounds or of two or more consonant sounds, close together. Usually in a poem.
2 of 20
What is a Cliche?
A phrase used so much it becomes meaningless.
3 of 20
What does colloquial mean?
Informal language/slang words.
4 of 20
What is emotive language?
Words that have strong emotional intensity.
5 of 20
What is emjambment?
When the sense of a poem runs over the line breaks. Example from "The man he killed": We should have set us down to wet/
6 of 20
What does Imperative mean?
A verb used to express a wish, command or advice.
7 of 20
What does Juxtapose mean?
Place two things together to show a link or emphasize a contrast between them.
8 of 20
What is a list?
A series of items separated by commas. Usually used to speed up the text and create a sense excitement.
9 of 20
What is a metaphor?
Comparison of two things where one thing is said to be another. Powerful imagery tool, to make you imagine something.
10 of 20
What does Narcissistic mean?
Excessive self-admiration and self-centeredness.
11 of 20
What does Onomatopoeia mean?
Words which sound like the word they are describing, e.g. buzz, crack.
12 of 20
What is an Oxymoron?
A phrase in which the words contradict each other, usually for effect. e.g. "dumb god" (from Limbo.)
13 of 20
What is does Repetition mean?
A word said more than once. Usually used to stress it.
14 of 20
What is a Rheotorical question?
A question that does not require an answer, designed to make people think. Example: "Do we want to pay more taxes?"
15 of 20
What does Persona mean?
Telling a poem from the first person persepective, that is not the author's perspective.
16 of 20
What is Personification?
Using a metaphor to make something seem human.
17 of 20
What does Rhyme mean?
Words with endings that soundd similar to each other. Usually used to connect words.
18 of 20
What does Rhythm mean?
The beat of a poem.
19 of 20
What is a Simile?
Comparing two things, but saying one thing is like another.
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The repetition of two or more vowel sounds or of two or more consonant sounds, close together. Usually in a poem.


What is an assonance?

Card 3


A phrase used so much it becomes meaningless.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Informal language/slang words.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Words that have strong emotional intensity.


Preview of the back of card 5
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  • this was very great help thank you 

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