English language glossary terms

Simple sentence
One clause
1 of 69
Compound sentence
One or more piece of information connected by a conjunctive
2 of 69
Complex sentence
Multiple clauses connected by a range of conjunctions and often commas
3 of 69
Minor sentence
A sentence that is missing as verb or a subject
4 of 69
Imperative sentence
Begins with a verb and issues a command
5 of 69
Declarative sentence
States something that is not necessarily factually correct
6 of 69
7 of 69
Exclamatory sentence
States and expresses emotions
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Elliptical sentence
Is missing a feature. They do not make sense without other sentences.
9 of 69
Epistemic modal verbs
Expresses the speakers opinion regarding the truth or degree of certainty about a proposition
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Deontic modal verbs
Concerned with directions, obligation, permission offering, advice, requesting and granting things
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Dynamic modality
Expresses ability or willingness
12 of 69
Concrete nouns
Physical things that can be felt by at least one of the five senses
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Abstract nouns
Things that are not physical and cannot be touched
14 of 69
Proper nouns
15 of 69
Add detail to the noun being described
16 of 69
State verbs
Expresses states or conditions that are relatively static
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Action verbs
Express activities processes momentary actions or physical conditions
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The general character attitude or mood of the situation.
19 of 69
The type of language used that is determined by a degree of formality
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Adverbs of time
21 of 69
Adverbs of place
22 of 69
Adverbs of manner
23 of 69
Adverbs of degree
Almost, quite, nearly, too, enough, hardly, simply
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Adverbs of frequency
How often
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Adverbial phrases
More than one word that does the same function as a single adverb
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Go before a noun and show what they are referring to
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Articles - definite and indefinite
(Definite – the) (Indefinite – a)
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Possessive determiners
29 of 69
30 of 69
Demonstrative adjectives
This/that – (not demonstrative pronouns which replace nouns)
31 of 69
Cardinal numerals
32 of 69
Ordinal numerals
One, two, three...
33 of 69
Personal pronoun
You, my, he, she, them, they
34 of 69
Possesive pronouns
Shows ownership - mine/theirs
35 of 69
Reflexive pronouns
36 of 69
Demonstrative pronouns
37 of 69
Interrogative pronouns
38 of 69
Negative pronouns
39 of 69
Indefinite pronouun
40 of 69
High frequency lexis
Words that are commonly used in day to day life
41 of 69
Low frequency lexis
Words that are not used in day to day life - possibly technical terms
42 of 69
Specialist words and terms used by a professional industry.
43 of 69
Topic management
The way topics in a conversation are organised or handed from speaker to speaker.
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Agenda setting
Where a speaker sets up a main topic of conversation
45 of 69
Topic initiation uptake
When a topic of conversation is suggested, it's success is dependent upon the other participants.
46 of 69
Turn taking
Only one speaker at a time
47 of 69
An expression or discourse marker that opens a conversation (so).
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An expression or discourse marker that closes a conversation.
49 of 69
Adjacency pair
A pair of utterances that typically go together
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Minimal response / back channelling
Supportive terms such as "oh" or "really"
51 of 69
Self related comment
Speaker comments on them selves
52 of 69
Other related comment
Speaker comments on the other participant
53 of 69
Neutral comment
Commenting on something that is not specific to either participant such as the weather.
54 of 69
Attention getters
Words or phrases that gain attention.
55 of 69
Asymmetric lexis
Words that have male and female versions
56 of 69
Semantic derogation
A word acquires a more negative meaning over time. A semantic shift results in a less favourable connotation of a word.
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Adding a group of letters to a word to change or adapt the meaning.
58 of 69
Linguistic and behavioural choices provided by technology
59 of 69
Linguistic and behavioural restrictions provided by technology
60 of 69
Accepts change
61 of 69
Resists change
62 of 69
Missing letters in the middle of words (pls-please)
63 of 69
Dropping a sound (hav-have)
64 of 69
Acronyms and initials
Using initials to represent words (WUUT)
65 of 69
The use of single letters or numerals to represent words (b4 / *** - kisses)
66 of 69
Visual shapes represent objects and concepts
67 of 69
Non-standard spelling
Luv - love
68 of 69
Abbreviations by omitting one of its meaningful elements (gov - government)
69 of 69

Other cards in this set

Card 2


One or more piece of information connected by a conjunctive


Compound sentence

Card 3


Multiple clauses connected by a range of conjunctions and often commas


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A sentence that is missing as verb or a subject


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Begins with a verb and issues a command


Preview of the back of card 5
View more cards


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