English Language A01

Abstract noun
Refers to ideas and concepts that only exist in the mind
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Active voice
Clause construction where the subject is also the actor. They are doing something. (The boy kicked the ball)
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A word that modifies a noun
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A word that modifies a verb telling you how, where or when an action takes place. Can also modify an adjective with how much 'really excited'
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Words, phrases, clauses that act as adverbs and they identify when, where and how when modifying a verb.
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a determiner such as 'a' or 'the'
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Auxiliary verb
Assists the main verb; primary auxiliary verbs 'do, have and be'
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A structural unit that contains at least one subject and one verb- it can include other features such as object, compliment and adverbial
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Two or more words that are often found together in a group or phrase to create a specific meaning (fish and chips, back to front)
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Comparative adjective
designates comparison between two things, generally by adding a suffix (this is the faster car)
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a clause element that tells you more about the subject or the object
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Complex sentence
Has two or more clauses, one of which is a subordinate
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A word formed from two other words 'FACEBOOK' 'DUSTBIN'
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Compound sentence
Has two or more clauses, usually joined to a main clause by conjunctions (and, or, but) and needs a main clause to exist
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Compound- complex sentence
A sentence that has three or more clauses one of which will be a subordinate clause and one will be a coordinate clause
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Concrete noun
Refer to things we touch or can experience physically (snow)
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A word that joins clauses together
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associated meanings with certain words, depending on the person reading or hearing the words and regard context
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Co-ordinate clause
A clause beginning with a coordinating conjunction and is essentially a main clause joined to another main clause
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Coordinating conjunctions
these signal the start of the coordinate clause
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Copular verb
A verb that takes a complement (seems' appears) a form of a verb be 'Is' 'was'
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A statement- a type of sentence which gives information and where the subject typically comes in front of the verb (Two Fish are in the tank)
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Definite article
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The literal, generally accepted, dictionary definition of a word
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A non standard variety of a language, including lexis and grammar in a particular region
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Direct Object
the part of the clause that is directly acted upon by the subject
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Describe the structure of any text (or segment of text) that is longer than a single sentence
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Discourse Marker
Marks a change in direction in an extended piece of written or spoken text
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Words used in a text which relate to the texts subject matter, field of medicine
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French/ latinate lexis
Words derived from French or Latin or both tare often seen as having a higher status and being more specialist
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The building blocks of sentences and how they go together to mean something to the reader or listener
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Grapheme- Phoneme relationship
The correspondence between the written shape of letter and its sound
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Head noun
The main noun at the centre of a noun phrase
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A from of common non-literal expression
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Your own individual way of speaking
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A command- A type of sentence where the subject is usually left out and and the verb is in its bare form
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Indefinite article
'a' or 'an'
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an ending such as -ed, -s or -Ing added to chase a Temse or number, nouns to plural
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Abbreviation using the first letter of a group of words and pronounced separetely
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A question- type of sentence indicated by the swapping round of subject and verb.
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Irregular verbs
Change their form then changing from present to past (swim swam)
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Placement of 2 contrasting ideas next to each other, or it could operate across modes within a multimodal text
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Left branching
Has subordinating clause before a main clause
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Lexical field
Identify the main subject matter of a text.
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Low frequency lexis
Words that appear more rarely, such as specialist terms from a field (medicine)
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Main clause
A clause that can stand on its own grammatically
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Main verb
the verb that carries the main meaning or process of the sentence
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Talking about grammar and language, the subject within the subject
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Minor sentence
A sentence with missing elements, such as the subject or the verbs
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Modal auxiliary verb
A sub category of auxiliary verb that expresses degree of possibility, probability, necessity or obligation
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Any word that describes a noun (Can be an adjective, adverb or noun)
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A newly formed or coined word
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Neutral comment
Speaker makes a comment on something neutral
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Nonce formation
A nonsense word thats created fro a special occasion (feeling hungryish)
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Non finite subordinate clause
Clauses in which the verb is not 'fished' and the genesis therefore not shown, 'to buy some cheese', 'running down the road'
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Noun Phrase
A group of words with a noun at the centre of it
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Words that name people, places, things, ideas and concepts
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This normally receives an action and is followed by a verb
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The spelling, writing language, correct language
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Passive voice
Clause construction where the subject is not the actor (the ball was kicked by the boy)
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Perlocutionary act
What happens in response to something said/ intended
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The study of sound in language
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Possessive determiner
Determiner which shows who the noun belongs to 'my book'
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the modification that comes after the head noun
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Pragmatic failure
Where the meaning implied is not the meaning understood
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What we really mean by what we say or write in a given context
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Primary verbs
be, have, do
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a word which stands in place of noun or noun phrase
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Proper nouns
Words specific people or places (Paris)
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A play on words, often with multiple meanings of words for effect
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Regular verbs
Take a regular -ed inflection when changing from present to past tense (walk/ walked)
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Semantic field and shift
A pattern of words with similar meanings found across a text, can have a change
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A variety of language that is characteristic of the social background or status of the user
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the process of forming a uniform language codified in dictionaries, educational and government texts that demand conformity by all variant language forms
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this normally performs the action of the sentence or clause and van be a single word or phrase
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Subordinate clause
Depends on the main clause to exist
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Subordinating conjunctions
These signal the start of a subordinate clause
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Superlative adjective
Expresses the highest level of the quality represented by the adjective, generally made by adding -est to its base form (fast to fastest)
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A word has has a similar meaning to another word
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The order of the elements in the clause of sentence (SVOCA)
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The action or state in the sentence or clause
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Vernacular and writing
Everyday regional language spoken by people can be informal, non standard writing
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Pre modifer
Modification that comes before the head noun
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Clause construction where the subject is also the actor. They are doing something. (The boy kicked the ball)


Active voice

Card 3


A word that modifies a noun


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A word that modifies a verb telling you how, where or when an action takes place. Can also modify an adjective with how much 'really excited'


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Words, phrases, clauses that act as adverbs and they identify when, where and how when modifying a verb.


Preview of the back of card 5
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