English Keywords

define synonym
words with the same meaning
1 of 75
define antonym
words with contrasting meaning
2 of 75
define hypernym
words which label categories e.g animals
3 of 75
define hyponyms
words which can be placed in categories e.g cat, dog
4 of 75
define audience
who the text is intended for
5 of 75
define purpose
what the text is for
6 of 75
define register
the level of formality
7 of 75
define context of production
intended writer
8 of 75
define context of reception
intended reader
9 of 75
define jargon
specialist lexicon
10 of 75
define sociolect
language of social groups
11 of 75
define dialect
language of certain geographical locations
12 of 75
define semantics
understanding of words
13 of 75
define semantic non-equivalence
words meant to be equal in meaning but aren't
14 of 75
define denotation
dictionary definition
15 of 75
define connotation
cultural meaning
16 of 75
define collocation
two words commonly used together
17 of 75
define metaphor
saying something is something else
18 of 75
define semantic field
words in a similar field of reference
19 of 75
define dysphemisms
maximise brutality
20 of 75
define euphemisms
obscure meaning
21 of 75
define neologisms
new words
22 of 75
define blending
merging of two words e.g chillax
23 of 75
define compounding
two words together e.g carpark
24 of 75
define acronym
25 of 75
define initialisms
26 of 75
define eponym
product named after the maker e.g hoover
27 of 75
define narrowing
less meanings over time
28 of 75
define broadening
more meaning over time
29 of 75
define amelioration
better meaning over time
30 of 75
define pejoration
worse meaning over time
31 of 75
define lexis
32 of 75
what are the two word classes?
lexical (open class) and grammatical (closed class)
33 of 75
what are the 8 word types?
verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns, pronouns, determiners, conjunctions and prepositions
34 of 75
define nouns
objects and things
35 of 75
what is a proper noun?
a place or person (capital letters)
36 of 75
what are concrete and abstract nouns?
concrete = table, abstract= dream
37 of 75
what are verbs?
doing words
38 of 75
what are dynamic and stative verbs?
dynamic = to jump, stative = to feel
39 of 75
what are auxiliary, modal and phrasal verbs?
auxiliary = to be/to have/to do, modal = would/should/could, phrasal = more than one word to patronise- to look down on
40 of 75
what are adverbs?
they modify verbs to give info about time (yesterday), place (here) and manner (quickly)
41 of 75
what are adjectives?
describing words, superlatives (biggest) or comparatives (bigger)
42 of 75
what are pronouns?
take the place of nouns, possessive (my) and reflexive (myself)
43 of 75
what are determiners?
come before the noun and tell you what it refers to, articles - definite/indefinite, possessives, demonstratives or qualifiers
44 of 75
what are conjunctions?
link sentences coordinating (FANBOYS) or subordinating
45 of 75
what are prepositions?
show where something is
46 of 75
define morphemes
smallest unit of grammar and meaning
47 of 75
define syntax
sentence order and structure
48 of 75
define free morphemes
can stand on its own e.g jump
49 of 75
define affix (bound morpheme)
suffix of prefix, can't stand alone
50 of 75
define inflectional function
when an affix creates a change in tense/number e.g happiest
51 of 75
define derivational function
when an affix changes the meaning of a word e.g unhappy
52 of 75
define graphology
a texts visual features
53 of 75
define layout
physical structure of a text
54 of 75
define typographical
features of fonts e.g font, size and colour
55 of 75
define orthographical
features of writing e.g spelling, capitalisation and punctuation
56 of 75
define multimodal text
a text that relies on different modes
57 of 75
define discourse markers
words or phrases which organise a text
58 of 75
define adjuncts
unnecessary elements of clauses
59 of 75
define disjuncts
adverbs which express an attitude of the material to follow
60 of 75
define anaphoric reference
referring back to something already identified
61 of 75
define cataphoric reference
referring forward to something not yet identified
62 of 75
define exophoric reference
refers to something outside of the text
63 of 75
define endophoric reference
refers to something inside the text
64 of 75
define intertextuality
using discourse from one field inside another
65 of 75
define pragmatics
implied meaning
66 of 75
define implicature
implied meaning as a result of a broken maxim
67 of 75
define inference
spotting an implied meaning
68 of 75
define irony
an implied attitude beyond literal meaning
69 of 75
define deixis
context bound words
70 of 75
define speech acts
words or phrases carrying meaning beyond the text
71 of 75
define positive politeness
awareness of others needs in communication
72 of 75
define negative politeness
freedom to express own identity and choices
73 of 75
define face
how all communication relies on presenting a face
74 of 75
define cooperative principles
interaction is based on cooperative principles
75 of 75

Other cards in this set

Card 2


define antonym


words with contrasting meaning

Card 3


define hypernym


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


define hyponyms


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


define audience


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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