English Fancy Words

  • Created by: Jmsmcn
  • Created on: 30-10-17 17:22
When words that are close together start with the same sound: Beat of the Band
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A comparison to show how one thing is similar to another, to make it memorable or easy to understand: The human brain is like a super-computer
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A rhetorical technique where opposing words or ideas are put together to show a contrast: one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
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When words share the same deep vowel sound but their consonants are different: prOUd, rOUnd, clOUd
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Biased Writing
Writing that gives more support to one point of view than another.
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A formal newspaper that focuses on more serious topics
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Cinematic Writing
Writing that makes the reader feel like they are watching a film
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Part of the sentence that has a subject and a verb, main clauses make sense on their own: flowers bloom
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Colloquial Langauge
Informal language that sound like normal speech: with your pals
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Commentary (Newspaper)
A type of newspaper that expresses the writers opinions on a theme or event
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Complex Sentence
A sentence that contains one ore more subordinate clauses
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Compound Sentence
Two main clauses joined together to make one sentence using a conjunction
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The suggestions that words can make beyond their meaning: stroll means walk but it has connotations of moving slowly
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The background to something or the situation around it that can affect the way it is understood
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The opposite point of view to the writers, they can be used in persuasive writing, you state a counter-argument and say why it is wrong
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Direct Address
When a narrator or writer speaks directly to another character or to the reader
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Double Negative
A sentence that incorrectly expresses a negative idea by using two negative words or phrases
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Something that makes you feel a particular emotion
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The ability to understand someone else's feelings or experiences
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Explicit Information
Information that is directly stated in the text.
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Figurative Lanuage
Language that is used in a non-literal way for effect: personification
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First Person
A narrative viewpoint where the narrator is one of the characters, written using words like I, me, we, our.
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A writing technique where the scene shifts from the present to the past
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A literary device where the writer hints about a future event
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The type of text: Letter, speech
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Frame Narrative
A narrative in which one story is presented within another
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A statement that gives an overall impression without going into details - it is often misleading
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When exaggeration is used to have an effect on the reader
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Language that creates a picture in your mind
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Imperative Verb
A verb that gives orders
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Impersonal Tone
A tone of writing that does not try to directly engage with the reader
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Implicit Information
Information that is hinted at without beaing said outright
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Internal Rhyme
When two or more words on the same line rhyme
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Altering the normal word order for emphasis
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When words are used to imply the opposite of what they mean. It can also be used when there is a difference between what people expect and what actually happens
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When a writer puts 2 idead close to each other to encourage the reader to contrast them
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Limited Narrator
A narrator who only has partial knowledge about the events or characters in a story
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Linear Structre
A type of narrative technique that tells the events of a story in chronological order
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Linguistic Devices
Language techniques that are used yo have an effect on an audience
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List of 3
Using three words of phrases together to create emphasis
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A way of describing something by saying it is something else
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One person speaking alone for a long period of time
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The feel or atmosphere of a text
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A recurring image or idea in a text
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Writing that tells a story or describes an experience
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Narrative Viewpoint
The perspective that a text is written from
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The voice or character speaking the words of the narrative
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Non-Linear Structure
A type of narrative structure that tells the events of a story in an non-chronological order
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Objective Writing
An unbiased style of writing that conveys facts rather than opinions
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Omniscient Narrator
A narrator who knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the narrative
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A word that imitates the sound that it describes as you say it
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A phrase which appears to contradict itself: pale darkness
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The speed a writer takes the reader through events in a text
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A rhetorical technique where an extra clause or phrase is inserted into a complete sentence
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Pathetic Fallacy
When the weather reflects the mood in the text
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Describing a non-living thing as if it was a person
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Phonetic spellings
When words are spelt as they sound rather than the usual spellings - often used to show someone speaking with an accent/dialect
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A short burst of sound make when you say a word containing the letters b, d, g, k, p or t
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The main character in a text or the leader in a particular cause or movement
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The reason someone writes a text
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The specific language used to match writing to the social situation it is for
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Using language techniques to achieve a persuasive effect
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Rhetorical Question
A question that doesn't need an answer but is used to make a point
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Language that has a scornful or mocking tone
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Text that makes fun of people or situations
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Second Person
A narrative viewpoint that is written as if the reader is one of the characters
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Sensory Lanuage
Language that appeals to the five senses
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Repetition of "s" and "sh" sounds
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A way pf describing something by comparing it to something else, often using words such as "like"
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Simple Sentence
A sentence that is only made up of a single main clause
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Words or phrases that are informal, often specific to one age group or social group
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When a single character in a play speaks their thoughts out loud but no other characters can hear them
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Standard English
English that is considered to be correct because it uses formal, standardised features of spelling and grammar
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The order and arrangement of ideas in a text
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The person or things who performs the action described by the verb
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A single unit of sound within a word
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The arrangement of words in a sentence or phrase so that they make sense
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A less formal newspaper that often focuses on more sensational topics
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Third Person
A narrative viewpoint where the narrator remains outside of the events of a story
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The feeling of a piece of writing
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The attitudes and beliefs that a writer is trying to convey
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The characteristics of the person narrating the poem
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A comparison to show how one thing is similar to another, to make it memorable or easy to understand: The human brain is like a super-computer



Card 3


A rhetorical technique where opposing words or ideas are put together to show a contrast: one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind


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Card 4


When words share the same deep vowel sound but their consonants are different: prOUd, rOUnd, clOUd


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Writing that gives more support to one point of view than another.


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