Emotion and the brain

  • Created by: ksjvsba
  • Created on: 17-01-16 18:05
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Perception -> Thamlamic reaction -> emtional feeling/bodily changes
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hypothalamus functions: body temp, emotions, hunger and thirst, circasian rhyhms
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Papez Loop: Stream of thought
thalamus-> sensorty cortex
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Stream of movement
thalamus-> basal gangia
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Stream of feeling
thalamus -> hypothalamus
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spinal cord->PNS - sparking emotional behviour
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hypothamalus-> cortex-> cingulate cortex->hippocampus-> hypothalamus - experience of emtion
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MacLean truine brain: Reptilian Brain
rigid, not learning from mistakes, guides search for food and primitive communication.Brain stem and cerebellum
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Paleomammalian brain
limbic system, brain of lower mammals; caregiver, vocal signalling, play
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Mammalian brain
neocortex, higher mammals inc non human primates and humans - highly complex net of neural cells -language.
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Limbic System is...
hippocampus (memory), hypothalamus (output to viscera), amygdala (fear and emotions), cingulate gyrus (older part of neocortex, attention and reward)
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Amygdala: Kluver Bucy syndrome
bilateral lesions on inferior temporal lobe of wild monkeys
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psychic blindness, hypermetamorphosis, oral tendecies, change in emotional behviour, changes in sexual behviour
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LeDoux: brain lesioning
connection between the thalamus and amygdala is sufficient for fear learning and fear responses
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cortical pathway
high road - precise but slow
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subcortical pathway
low road - crude but fast
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contexual information
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Patient SM
bilateral amygdala damage: recognising expressions of fear
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Card 2




hypothalamus functions: body temp, emotions, hunger and thirst, circasian rhyhms

Card 3


Papez Loop: Stream of thought


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Stream of movement


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Stream of feeling


Preview of the front of card 5
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