El internet

  • Created by: Erin
  • Created on: 02-03-15 20:50
En cuanto al uso que los espanoles hacen de internet, se nota que el correo electronico es lo mas importante y segun de las cifras, un total de 66% de usarios lo utiliza con frecuencia
With regards to the actual use of the internet, it is noted that email is the most important and according to statistics, a total of 66% of users use it
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Un otro manera que la Red ha mejorado nuestras vidas
Another way that the internet has improved our lives
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cambiar en sentido positivo/negativo
To change for the better/worse
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No hay una causa de partir su cama las mananas de domingo para comprar The Times o The Daily Mail
There is no need to leave your bed on Sunday mornings to buy a newspaper
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Porque simplemente, podemos leer las noticas mas recientes en la Red
Because we can just reed the latest news on the internet
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es mucho mas conveniente, en particular por las mayores porque no hay una razon de salir la casa en invierno cuando es frio
It is much more convenient, particularly for the older people because there is no need to leave the house when it is cold in Winter
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asi no es soprendente que 44% de la poblacion de espana use el internet - es una fuente de informacion muy amplia y responsable que es muy facil aprender como usar
So it isn't surprising that 44% of the Spanish population use the internet - it is a vast and reliable source of information which is easy to learn how to use
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con la conexion inalambrico, no solo puedes mirar y mandar correo electronico al cualquier lugar sino tambien puede charlar con familia o amigos que estan en otros paises del mundo cara a cara en Skype
With a wireless connection, not only can you read and send emails from anywhere, but you can also chat with friends and family in other countries face to face on FaceTime
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Aunque dia a dia se revelan nuevos beneficios de internet
Although daily they reveal new benefits of the internet
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la habilidad de comunicar con la gente es vital pero mucho de la gente prefiere de charlar por movil o correo electronico porque es mas conveniente.
The ability to communicate with people is vital but many people prefer to chat via mobile or email
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Ademas, puede acarrear muchos problemas de sante como los dolores de espalda a causa de sentarse todo el dia
Moreover, it can cause problems of health like back pains due to sitting all day
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la obesidad por la falta de ejercicio
obesity due to lack of exercise
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la perdida del puesto de trabajo
the loss of jobs
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por una bajada drastica en la productividad
dramatic slope in productivity
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En casos extremos, algunas estudiantes converten adictos a La Red y al lugar de trabajar por escuela
In extreme cases, some students become addicted to the internet and instead of working for school
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Pasan sus tiempo jugar videojuegos en linea
pass their time playing video games online
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Un aspecto muy negativo sobre la Red es el aumento y la facilidad de cometer crimenes como la e stafa
A very negative aspect about the internet is the increase and the ease of committing crimes such as fraud
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por ejemplo, si das su numero de su cuenta bancaria a un desconocido en la Red, puede robar su dinero
If you give your bank number to an unknown person they can steal your money
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Desafortunadamente, ademas es posible por el acoso escolar de tener lugar en la Red
Unfortunately it is also possible for bullying to take place on the internet
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y puede tener consequencias desatrosos por las vidas de jovenes
and this can have disastrous consequences for the lives of young people
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no es oro todo lo que reluce
All that glitters is not gold
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Another way that the internet has improved our lives


Un otro manera que la Red ha mejorado nuestras vidas

Card 3


To change for the better/worse


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


There is no need to leave your bed on Sunday mornings to buy a newspaper


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Because we can just reed the latest news on the internet


Preview of the back of card 5
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