Other questions in this quiz

2. Sue sharpe interviewed her sample twice over a period of time...how long was the gap in between the interviews?

  • 6 months.
  • around 20 years.
  • exactly 1 year.
  • a couple of years.
  • around 45 years.

3. the sociologist Reay researched cultural and material capaital...who did she say had the biggest influence on a childs cultural capital?

  • Peer groups
  • Mothers
  • Siblings
  • Teachers
  • Farhers

4. What does the term 'armchair theorist' refer to?

  • An older, more senior sociologist with more experience.
  • A sociologist who does not carry out any empiracle research and simply expresses opinion.
  • A sociologist who does excess research in order to make their research extremely valid.

5. Mac an Ghail examined 4 types of male subcultures, one of which were the 'macho lads' what were they described as?

  • attitudes were centred around fatalism and there was a clear counter-school culture among them.
  • students who put on a facadeof being 'not bothered' about school but deep down really did want to acheive well in the future.
  • Mainly asian or white from working class homes.
  • a group of boys whos lifestyle was focused more around fitness and less on academic acheivement.


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