Education - Internal Factors for DEA and Social Class + Key Concepts and Individuals involved


1. What is the correct definition of; 'Self-defeating prophecy?'

  • Where a prophecy fails to come true
  • A prediction that prevents what it predicts from happening, this is known as; 'the prophet's dilemma'
  • Where a prediction does not become true, this is because the prediction was incorrect in the first place, this is called; 'the prophet's dilemma'
  • Where the labelling process failed
1 of 18

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2. What did Becker find in her study?

  • Found that teachers judged pupils depending on how closely they fitted their image of the 'ideal student'
  • Found that Teachers placed students in groups depending on their background and apprearance
  • Found that teachers were one of the reasons that the 'self-fulfilling prophecy' occured due to them subconciously helping students that seemed smarter or looked like the 'idea pupil' (Middle Class)
  • Found that teachers used stereotypical notions of 'ability' to stream pupils and found that teachers are less likely to see W/C students as having ability, as a result placing them in lower streams

3. What did Rosenthal + Jacobson find in their study?

  • Found that Teachers placed students in groups depending on their background and apprearance
  • Found that teachers judged pupils depending on how closely they fitted their image of the 'ideal student'
  • Found that teachers were one of the reasons that the 'self-fulfilling prophecy' occured due to them subconciously helping students that seemed smarter or looked like the 'idea pupil' (Middle Class)
  • Found that teachers used stereotypical notions of 'ability' to stream pupils and found that teachers are less likely to see W/C students as having ability, as a result placing them in lower streams

4. What sociologist carried out an interactionist study on labelling?

  • Becker
  • Rist
  • Rostenthal + Jacobson
  • Gillborn + Youdell

5. What sociologist came up with the' A-C economy?

  • Rist
  • Gillborn + Youdell
  • Becker
  • Rostenthal + Jacobson


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