
  • Created by: lilyodell
  • Created on: 17-05-18 17:18
what is functionalism?
perspective which sees society as made up of parts which work toegether to maintain society as an intergrated whole
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what is functional prerequisite?
basic needs that need to be met in order for society to survive
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who is emile durkheim?
his ideas are based on the organic analogy
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what is the organic analogy
society is like organs in the body they all have to work together for the body to function
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what is social solidarity?
everyone in society feels like they are all one
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how does school promote social solidarity?
teaching us to repsect hierachy and rules
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what is the teaching of specialist skills?
each person needs to be taught specific skills for specific jobs
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what is meritochracy?
everyone is given an equal opportunity through their own merit
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what is the marxist view?
bourgeouisie exploit the proletariet through capatilism
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who are the bourgeouisie?
a small wealthy and powerful class of ownersof the means of production
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who are the proletariet?
a larger poorer class of non owners, the sell their labour to bourgeouisie in exchnabe for their wages
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who is althusser?
main role in a capatilist society was the reproduction of an effient and obedient workforce
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what is the ISA (ideological state apparatus)?
r/c controls peoples ideas, vaulues and beliefs
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how does the ISA reproduce class inequality?
failing each generation of w/c pupils
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how does the ISA legitimate class inequality?
hides its true cause, persuades people by making them accept inequality is inevitable
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who are bowles and gintis?
the role of education is the reproduction of the workforce
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what did bowles and gintis think about education?
it is a myth making machine
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what is the tripartite system?
3 types of schools children would attend depending on their perfromance on 11+ exam
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what are the 3 schools called ?
1. grammer schools 2. secondary schoola 3. technical school
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how did the ERA create an education market ?
increasing competition between schools e.g. opening evenings
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what is parentocracy?
where parents have a choice
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what is a positive about marketistion?
parents have a say in what school their child goes to
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what is privitisation?
where private companies get involved with the school
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what is material deprivation?
lack of material necessities e.g good housing
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how does housing effect a childs education?
damp or cold housing can make children ill which then leads to them takign days off school
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how does diet and health effect a childs education?
they get a weak immune system so they get ill more so they have time off
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how does income effect a childs education?
tanner suggested that school items are expensive for w/c which means they have hand me downs
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what is cultural deprivation?
values and skills that a child is not fortunate enough to have
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how does intellecutual development impact on a childs education?
lack of resources to help them develop
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how does language impact on a childs education?
w/c has deficiant language e.g. communicate through gestures
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what is cultural capital?
values, attitutedes the m/c transmit to their children
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what are the 3 types of captial Bourdieu suggested?
economic, educational, ecenomic capital
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what is labelling?
attaching a menaing or definition to somebody?
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what is SFP?
prediction becming true by it being made
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what is a subculture?
a group of people who norms, attitured+ values which are different ot mainstream society
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pro characteristics of pupil subcultures?
keen, m/c , commited
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anti characteristics of pupil subcultures?
smoking, drinking, not doing homework
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what is marketisation?
school runs like a business
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what is habitus?
ways of acting that is shared by a particular social class
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what is cultural deprivation in ehtnicity?
underachievement of some ethnic groups cuz of inadequate socialisation
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ethnicitiy: what is intellectual skills?
black families lack intellectual stimulation and problem solving skills
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ethnicity:what is linguistic skills?
berieter and englemen suggest that children who do not speak english at home will face barriers at school
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ethnicity: what is attitudes and vaulues?
lack of motivation is a cause of failure for black children
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who does flaherty say are more likely to face material deprivation?
ethnic minorities
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what percentage of ethnic minorities live in overcrowded households?
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who are twice as likely to be in unskilled jobs?
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racism in wider society: what is the product of racism?
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what is an example of this discrimination?
housing as minorities are more likely to be forced into substandard housing
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what minority are mostly entitled to FSM?
bangladeshi- 58%
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ethnicity: what did gilborn and youdell find out about black pupils?
teachers expected them to have discipline problems
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ethnicity:what is black pupils and streaming?
blakc pupils had negative labesl so they were automatically put in to low sets
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what did cecile wright find out about asian pupils?
teachers left them out in class which made them feel isolated
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what is the ideal pupil identity?
white, m/c, normal sexuality, achieves through natural ability
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what is the patholagised pupil identity?
asian, asexual, over achiever who succeeds through hard work
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what is the demonalised pupil identity?
black or white, w/c, hyper sexualised, unintelligent
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what 3 types of teacher racism did mirza find?
1. the colour blind 2. the liberal chauvinists 3. the over racsit
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who are the colour blind teachers?
all pupils are equal but allow racism to go under challenged
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who are the liberal chauvinists teachers?
believe black pupils are deprived so have low expecations
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who are the over ractist teachers?
believe black students are inferior and discriminate againts them
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internal factors: what does ethnocentric mean?
attitudeor policy that gives priority to the culture or view point of one particular ethnic group disregarding others
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internal factors:what are the three strands of ethnocentrism in education?
1. institional racism 2. marketisation&segregation 3. assessment
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what is an example of institional racism?
11+ exam as u need tutors to pass which the w/c could not afford
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what did moore and davenpost find out in marketisation n segregation?
primary school report were used to screen out pupils with language difficulties
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what did gilborn find out in assessment?
black pupils stared to do worse than white becasue of exams cam in
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what are the changes in attitudes for women?
they get good qualifications to get good paid jobs so they can take on breadwinner role
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what did mcrobbie study and find?
study of the gilrs magazine that 1970s they were aobut getting married but now they are emphasing independant women
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gender internal factors: what happened in the early 1990s in education?
boys outperformed girls
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gender&achievement internal factors:what has happened since then?
girls now out perform boys
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what impacts internal factors gender&achievement?
teacher attention
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what is the teachers attention focused on?
the boys but because of their bad behaviour so neither boys or girls are performing at their full potential
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internal factors:gender&subject choice, what does Norman suggest?
form an early age boys and girls are dressed differently,different toys and activities
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internal factors:gender&subject choice, what does Paetcher suggest?
girls normally opt out of sport because of peer pressure as they have an image which isn't traditional
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internal factors:gender identity&education , what did Mac&Ghail find?
the male gaze
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what is the male gaze?
the way male pupils and teacher look up & down at girls seeing them as a sexual object and devaluing women
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what 2 things does the correspondence principle occur through?
school and work place, social inequality
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how does it occur through school and workplace?
school mirrors the workplace
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how does it occur through social inequality?
school legitimates the myth of everyone having an equal chance
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what is primary data?
info collected by sociologists themselves e.g. experiments,observ
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what is secondary data?
info collected by someone else but sociologists can use it too
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what is quantitative data?
refers to numerical e.g. statistics
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what is qualitative data?
refers to words
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what do positivists assume?
society has a factual reality- it exists out there like the physical world
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what do interpretivists reject?
social reality, construct reality through the meanings we create
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what data do positivists use?
quantitative to uncover patterns of behaviour
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what data do interpretivists use?
qualitative to uncover 'universe of meaning'
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what are some methods positivist use?
official statistics, structured interviews, questionnaires, experiment
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what are some methods interpretivists use?
observations, focus groups, unstructured interviews, documents
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what is practical issues?
problems that effect what method is chosen for research
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what are examples of practical issues?
time&money, subject manner
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is functional prerequisite?


basic needs that need to be met in order for society to survive

Card 3


who is emile durkheim?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the organic analogy


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is social solidarity?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




Although the content is useful, the grammar is really bad. It is quite distracting. 

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