Edexcel History Russia 1917-1939

Edexcel History Russia 1917-1939 Section 8

  • Created by: Sarah
  • Created on: 15-05-12 21:19
What was the name of the last Tsar?
Tsar Nicholas II Romanov
1 of 26
What was the Duma?
an elected parliament
2 of 26
Who was Rasputin?
a mad monk
3 of 26
What were the main beliefs of Marxism?
a class struggle leads to revolution resulting in communism
4 of 26
Why were the SDLP split into Bolsheviks and Menshiviks?
Bolsheviks wanted a small party and Menshiviks wanted a mass party
5 of 26
What did the April Theses promise?
peace, land, bread and freedom
6 of 26
What were three problems the Provisional Government faced?
inflation, war, the Petrograd Soviet
7 of 26
Who marched against the Provisional Government in September 1917?
General Kornilov
8 of 26
What month was the revolution in which the Bolsheviks seized power
9 of 26
What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk of March 1918?
the treaty Russia signed agreeing to Germany's terms
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Why did the Bolsheviks win the Civil War 1918-1921?
they were united and the Whites were divided
11 of 26
What was War Communism?
a state controlled society to win the war
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What was the Kronstadt Rebellion?
Kronstadt sailors rebelled and seized the base near Petrorad
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What was the NEP (New Economic Policy)?
a policy reversing War Communism and allowing economic recovery
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When did Lenin die?
15 of 26
What was the main difference between Stalin and Trotsky?
Stalin wanted 'Communism in one country'
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What were the purges?
the murder/imprisonment of 10 million Russians including disloyal people, artists and writers, and Old Bolsheviks
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What was the NKVD?
the secret police under Stalin
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How was religion changed under Stalin's rule?
the Church was only allowed to worship, priests were exiled or mudered, and Christians were persercuted.
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Why did Stalin increase the pace of industrialisation with the Five Year Plans?
to catch up with the Western industry
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What was the problem with the Five Year Plans?
people worked hard for low pay and a poor standard of living
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What were the two types of collective farms?
Sovkhozes and Kolkhozes
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Why did Stalin want to remove the Kulaks?
the refused to collectivise by destroying crops and animals
23 of 26
Why did collectivisation halt briefly in 1930?
there was famine due to peasants burning their crops
24 of 26
Why were people afraid in Russia under Stalin's rule?
millions of people were shot or imprisoned for complaining
25 of 26
What groups was Stalin biased against?
Communists and Bolsheviks
26 of 26

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the Duma?


an elected parliament

Card 3


Who was Rasputin?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were the main beliefs of Marxism?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why were the SDLP split into Bolsheviks and Menshiviks?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Sabrin uchiha


do you know where the answers are.....

Miss E


This set of flashcards covers Russia from the Tsar to Stalin with some very useful questions. These are ideal for your later stage revision, get others to test you to lodge the information in your long term memory.

Miss E


This quiz goes with a set of flash cards and used together the two will enable you to judge how well your revision of the whole topic is going. Keep attemtping it until you get them all right autmatically!

Georgia M


Is there any answers so you know where you have gone wrong

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