Economics unit 4 - Unemployment

What are the main causes of unemployment? (5)
Frictional, Seasonal, Structural, Classical, Demand-deficient
1 of 17
What is frictional unemployment?
Occurs when people are between jobs
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What is seasonal unemployment?
Occurs from seasonal fluctuation in the demand for labour
3 of 17
What is structural unemployment?
Occurs from the decline of certain industries. Workers often do not have the skills required to find a new job
4 of 17
What is classical unemployment?
Occurs when the real wage rate is too high
5 of 17
What is demand-deficient unemployment?
Occurs when there is a lack of aggregate demand
6 of 17
What are 3 consequences of unemployment?
Low standard of living, Waste of human capital, Higher spending on unemployment related benefits
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What is the natural rate of unemployment?
The difference between those who are able and willing to work and those who want to work
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At what point on a graph can the natural rate of unemployment be found?
Where the LRPC intersects the unemployment axis on a PC diagram
9 of 17
What are the 5 factors that determine the natural rate of unemployment?
Availability of job information, Skills and education, Degree of labour mobility, Flexibility of labour market, Hysteresis
10 of 17
What does the SRPC show?
An inverse relationship (trade-off) between the rate of inflation and the rate of unemployment
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(LRPC) If workers bid up their wages in nominal terms, what will happen?
The economy will move back to the original starting position
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(LRPC) If workers bid up their wages in real terms, what will happen?
The economy will move horizontal to join the LRPC, and a new SRPC will be drawn
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What does NAIRU stand for?
Non acceleration inflation rate of unemployment
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What are the demand-side policies to reduce unemployment?
Increase AD
15 of 17
What are the supply-side policies to reduce unemployment?
Increase education/training, Reduce occupation mobility of labour
16 of 17
What are the 2 methods of measuring unemployment?
Claiment count, The labour force survey
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is frictional unemployment?


Occurs when people are between jobs

Card 3


What is seasonal unemployment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is structural unemployment?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is classical unemployment?


Preview of the front of card 5
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