Economics unit 11

  • Created by: el765
  • Created on: 02-10-17 19:41
personal lifecycle
stages of your life as you grow older and your spending habits change.
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childhood (0-12)
no income, having to rely on your parents for all economic issues.
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adolescence (teenage years)
you may have a part time job so you aren't totally dependent on your parents and you are at secondary school where you build up your skills to gain qualifications in university.
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young adult
ndependent now and arent living with your parents, you have a bit more income and are in the process of gaining qualification to find a better paid job. the better qualification you have means that the more likely you are to find a better paid job. b
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middle adult
going through promotion where you get to a higher ranking job in the organisation. promotion allows the people to have more disposable income and be able to spend more on goods and services. they could choose to spend their income at this point or sa
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Old age (pensioners)
etirement is around 60-65 . This is when people can cease paid work as they will recieve a state pension and possibly an additional pension from their employer. if the person has made some savings earlier on in their life, they can use them to pay fo
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Card 2


no income, having to rely on your parents for all economic issues.


childhood (0-12)

Card 3


you may have a part time job so you aren't totally dependent on your parents and you are at secondary school where you build up your skills to gain qualifications in university.


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Card 4


ndependent now and arent living with your parents, you have a bit more income and are in the process of gaining qualification to find a better paid job. the better qualification you have means that the more likely you are to find a better paid job. b


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Card 5


going through promotion where you get to a higher ranking job in the organisation. promotion allows the people to have more disposable income and be able to spend more on goods and services. they could choose to spend their income at this point or sa


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