Earth and Environmental Dynamics

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 13-05-15 15:30

1. Which is not a feature of Pike et al's Glacial discharge along the west Antarctic Peninsula?

  • Human influence has changed the frequency of high-impact temperature and precipitation extremes on average over land where there are sufficient observational data to make this assessment
  • We show that two processes of atmospheric forcing—an increasing occurrence of La Niña events and rising levels of summer insolation—had a stronger influence during the late Holocene than oceanic processes driven by southern westerly winds and upwell
  • Suggested mechanisms range from upwelling of warm deep waters onto the continental shelf in response to variations in the westerly winds, to an influence of El Niño–Southern Oscillation on sea surface temperatures
  • We assess atmospheric versus oceanic influences on glacial discharge at this location, using analyses of diatom geochemistry to reconstruct atmospherically forced glacial ice discharge and diatom assemblage ecology to investigate the oceanic environm
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2. Which is not a challenge in Game et al (2012) Pelagic protected areas: the missing dimension in ocean conservation?

  • Physical challenges- The pelagic environment is characterized by physical processes that are highly dynamic in space and time. These include ocean currents, thermal fronts, upwelling and down welling regions and eddies and wind-driven mixing.
  • Design challenges- Even with broad agreement that well-designed and -located MPAs would be a valuable tool for pelagic management, there are still concerns over a lack of data, methods and tools to enable defensible selection of the best areas
  • There is increasing support for marine protected areas (MPAs) as a tool for pelagic conservation. In addition to supplying >80% of the fish consumed by humans, pelagic ecosystems account for nearly half of the photosynthesis on Earth.
  • Biological challenges- It could be reasonably argued that establishing an MPA over just a small portion of a species’s annual distribution is of limited value, given individuals will remain exposed to threats outside the protected area
  • Governance challenges: Restricting access to such areas presents a substantial governance challenge owing to the fragmented and sectorial management framework common for most offshore regions
  • MPA's versus other conservation strategies: MPAs are just one component of the pelagic conservation landscape, and should be complemented by other forms of management.
  • Future directions: Extensive data on physical, biological and socioeconomic factors can be used in concert with new conservation planning techniques to guide the defensible selection and design of pelagic MPAs

3. Which is not a key feature of Callaway and Maron in What have plant invasions taught us over the past 20 years?

  • 2) We predict that the next 20 years will see an increase in research on disturbance in the context of invasions
  • 4) it is likely that we will gain an enhanced appreciation for how multiple factors interact to influence plant population abundance and community organization
  • Emergent guidelines for conservation- MacArthur and Wilson, four key areas that consider the importance for a more successful application of island theory to conservation biogeography
  • 5) it seems quite likely that, when many exotics are investigated, researchers will find different causes for invader success
  • 3) with the increasing sophistication of molecular tools, we predict that the next 20 years will see great leaps in our ability to reconstruct the history of invasions and to determine the precise source of many invading populations
  • 1) Ecologists have considered mainly how escape from specialist consumers might affect exotic success

4. Which is not a key feature of Thompson's Ice core evidence for climate change in the Tropics?

  • Hypothesize that the differences in animal resources between the northern and southern Sahara during the early Holocene influenced the way it was peopled by humans
  • The characteristics of the current warming will be examined and compared to earlier periods of climatic warming such as the transition from the last glacial into the current interglacial as well as other periods within the Holocene.
  • Tropical climate was cooler and more variable during the last glacial cycle and has renewed current interest in the tropical water vapour cycle. The new tropical ice core records raise additional questions about our understanding of the role of the t
  • Much of the climatic activity of significance to humanity, such as variations in the occurrence and intensity of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation and monsoons, are largely connected to lower latitudes
  • The tropical and subtropical ice core records may potentially yield long annual to millennial-scale records of El Nin8o-Southern Oscillation events and monsoon variability and thus provide important insights into the magnitude and freq. of events

5. Which is not a feature of Herring's Explaining extreme events?

  • Human influence has been detected in observed changes in moderate extremes, i.e., daily maximum temperatures that are greater than their 90th percentile and daily minimum temperatures less than their 10th percentile over the global land
  • Human influence has changed the frequency of high-impact temperature and precipitation extremes on average over land where there are sufficient observational data to make this assessment
  • We suggest that a warming of the intermediate-depth ocean around Antarctica at the scale simulated for the year 3000 could lead to the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which would be associated with a rise in sea level of several metres
  • IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (Stocker et al. 2014) concluded that strong evidence exists for increases in some extremes worldwide since 1950, especially more frequent hot days and heavy precipitation events.


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