
Manifest content
What the dream is said to be about by the dreamer - the story the dreamer tells.
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Latent content
The meaning underlying the dream. If the symbols from the manifest content are translated by an analyst, they can reveal unconscious thoughts.
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When many thoughts and elements from the unconscious are represented in the dream in one symbol.
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When something that seems to be unimportant in the dream is made central, to shift attention from what is really important.
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Secondary elaboration
How the dreamer builds a story when telling what the dream is about, adding to and changing things, which makes analysis hard.
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Free association
A method used by Freud in psychoanalysis where the patient is encouraged to express a flow of consciousness. The process helps to uncover links which can then be interpreted.
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Slip of the tongue
When someone uses the wrong word for something. Freud analysed these slips to help uncover unconscious thoughts.
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A cell in the body, including in the brain, that sends information using both electrical and chemical processes.
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The 'cable' that leads from a cell body of a neuron down to the terminal buttons that hold the neurotransmitter.
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The electrical signal that travels from the cell body of a neuron to the terminal buttons, where it releases a neurotransmitter.
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A chemical at the terminal button of a neuron, which is released by the impulse and then goes into the synaptic gap.
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Synaptic gap
The gap between the dendrites of one neuron and the next.
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Cell body
The cell's life-support centre.
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Receive messages from other cells.
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Terminal buttons/branches
Form junctions with other cells.
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Synaptic transmission
What happens when a neurotransmitter released by an impulse of one neuron goes across the synaptic gap and is taken up at the dendrites of another neuron.
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REM sleep
When there is rapid eye movement.
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Sensory blockade
During REM sleep, any incoming information from the senses is blocked.
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Random activation
During REM sleep, when neurons are active randomly not deliberately.
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Movement inhibition
The state, during REM sleep, when the body is paralysed and there is no movement.
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The brain tries to make sense of the random activation of neurons - and this 'sense' is the dream.
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Oedipus complex
The idea that a boy from about the age of four years old will have unconscious feelings for his mother and want his father out of the way, though then fears his father and feels guilty too.
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False memories
Any memory that is not true and can be given by someone else 'remembering' an event and telling another person who then 'remembers' it as true.
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Describes the way a client will transfer their emotions - love, hate or anger - on to the analyst.
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the word used for the way an analyst is likely, in turn, to transfer their own feelings back on to the client.
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Primary sleep disorder
A sleep disorder not related to any other problem but a problem in themselves.
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Secondary sleep disorder
A sleep disorder stemming from another problem such as jet lag or stress.
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Meaning someone can not go to sleep or stay asleep.
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Meaning people feel very sleepy at all times of the day.
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Circadian rhythm disorders
Involving disorders of the sleep-wake cycle and these are called circadian rhythm disorders because they cause problems with the body's circadian (24-hour) rhythm or 'body clock'.
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These are disorders that occur when someone is asleep. Such as nightmares, sleep-walking and sleep terrors.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The meaning underlying the dream. If the symbols from the manifest content are translated by an analyst, they can reveal unconscious thoughts.


Latent content

Card 3


When many thoughts and elements from the unconscious are represented in the dream in one symbol.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


When something that seems to be unimportant in the dream is made central, to shift attention from what is really important.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


How the dreamer builds a story when telling what the dream is about, adding to and changing things, which makes analysis hard.


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i dont i sleep i revise

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