Divine command theory

  • Created by: Sc1602
  • Created on: 07-01-20 17:41
Where does the Euthyphro dilemma come from?
Plato's dialogue "Euhyphro"
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In the dialogue, Euthyphro take his father to court and Socrates is...
awaiting his own trial
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In the dialogue, Euthyphro and Socrates...
engage in a dialogue about moral goodness
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Socrates poses the question that has become known as...
the Euthyphro dilemma
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The Euthyphro dilemma asks...
does good exist separate from approval, or does good exist as a consequence of being approved by God?
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Divine Command theory arises from...
major world religions (e.g. Judaism, Christianity and Islam)
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Divine Command theory states that God is the...
origin and regulator of morality
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According to DCT, right and wrong are...
objective truths based on God's will/command
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moral goodness is achieved by...
complying with the divine command
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What reasons to be moral does DCT give?
to please God and to avoid bad consequences
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Why is DCT a requirement of God's omnipotence
If God were to command things because they are good, there must exist a standard of goodness independent of God, so God would no longer be creator of everything (so what is good must originate with God and cannot be external from God)
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JAT Robinson "Honest to God" quote
"they (laws) come down direct from heaven and are eternally valid"
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Robert Adams developed DCT to oppose the issue that says...
what God calls good is arbitrary (dependent only on God's will/whim)
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Frankena quote
what if "God were to order the exact opposite of what we generally take him to have ordered"
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Adams states that morality is grounded in the character of God, who is...
perfectly good
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As God has the characteristic of omnibenevolence, Adams argues that...
whatever he commands will reflect this
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Adams is not saying that God and goodness...
are the same thing
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Austin quote
morality is "ultimately grounded in the perfect nature of God"
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Adams concluded that morality cannot be...
arbitrary (as it is rooted in the unchanging omnibenevolent nature of God)
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What is metaphysics?
the study of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality
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Religions may argue that there is an objective, metaphysical basis for morality in...
the unseen eternal presence of a creator God
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If God is an objective reality, we should be able to...
test the proposition "God exists" by our five senses, but this is impossible
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If God's commands are an objective reality, they should be...
unchanging, but the Bible seems to suggest otherwise
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If God's commands are true because they reflect his character, this makes moral goodness...
relative to the characater of God
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Name the three main challenges to DCT.
1. Pluralism objection 2. Arbitrariness problem 3. The Euthyprho dilemma
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


In the dialogue, Euthyphro take his father to court and Socrates is...


awaiting his own trial

Card 3


In the dialogue, Euthyphro and Socrates...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Socrates poses the question that has become known as...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The Euthyphro dilemma asks...


Preview of the front of card 5
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