Other questions in this quiz

2. what is physical digestion and its importance

  • physical breakdown of large pieces into smaller ones to increase SA for chemical breakdown
  • physical breakdown of large pieces into smaller ones to decrease SA for chemical breakdown
  • physical breakdown of large pieces into smaller ones by enzymes

3. what is assimilation

  • joining of monosaccarides
  • the incorporation of molecules into body tissue/the use of them in body processes
  • break down of food molecules by saliva

4. Stages of digetstion in order

  • ingestion, assimilation, absorption, digestion, egestion
  • ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, egestion
  • ingestion, assimilation, digestion, absorption, egestion

5. which two structures produce amylase

  • intestine and salivary glands
  • pancreas and salivary glands
  • pancreas and intestine


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