developmental intelligence

  • Created by: freya_bc
  • Created on: 18-04-17 17:58
Cyril Burt 1944
Education acts, grammar school potential tests
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Francis Galton
related and influenced by Darwin, struggled to devise a test
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Alfred Binet and Theo Simon
devised first IQ test bc previously limited education provision, non-verbal - problems that didnt rely on practical knowledge or experience, use genetic g
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L.L Thurlstone
helped them
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Charles Spearman
also helped and the spearmans rank dude, considered ravens progressive matrices to be the best measure of G
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Geary (2005)
if do well on one measure of cogntivie ability do well on all measures of cog ability theory
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Stanford- Binet
modern version of a Binet-Simon test- test verbal and non-verbal items
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Raven's Progressive Standard Matrices
non-v requiring analogous reasoning and geometric shapes and patterns, designed to be culture free, visual puzzles- ID continuation of series
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Cattell (1987)
fluid intel (g- underlying based ability) or crystallised intel (underlying capability)
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Wechsler Intelligence scale for Children (WISC) or Wechsler Adult Scale for Intelligence (WASI)
widely used intel tests- verbal and performance directly mapping onto fluid and crystallised intel
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McClearn et al., (1997)
heritability facotr 20% infancy, 40% childhood, 50% adol, 60% adult, 80yo MZ twins, heritability 50% correl of like .8, tests less confusing when older, genetic susceptibility to disorders that cause cog deteriorations
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Bouchard and McGue (1981)
.72 MZ reared apart, 0.86 together, big genetic component shared womb, .34 heritability of IQ of about 17%
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Plomin and DeFries (1980)
correl between pairs of IQ scores from MZ twins reared apart is .72
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Bouchard, Lykken, McGue, Segal and Tellegan (1990)
56 pairs of MZ twins separated in first 2 years still likely to be bright
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Devlin, Daniels and Roeder (1997)
womb- have some experiences in common even if reared apart
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Woodworth (1941)
19 pairs of MZ some reared in similar envi some dif, IQ almost same in similar, in dif one case 24 IQ points between them- if in similar envi still enjoy similar things
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Bouchard et al., (1990)
link between genetic profile and IQ might be linked to character e.g. genetic contribution to temperament, inquisitiveness, aggression, if temperament not suited to school dynamic - genetic constitution exerts itself in envi
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Benton and Roberts (1988)
8mo course of tablets to 30 welsh 12yo, diet supplements, double blind, 9point gain in IQ tried to replicate but limited success.
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Benton and Buts (1990)
if poor diet then take see advantage over 3mo, effect not shown in those who already have a good diet- Belgium
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Crombie et al., (1990)
tried to replicate but didnt work
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Schoenthaler et al., (1991)
did replicate successfully in US
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CONFLUENCE MODEL- first born slightly higher IQ than second, less resources, diluted influence , have to divide input eventually, implications for student teacher ratios
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Flynn effect
Over gen increases in IQ scores, netherlands increase 21 on ravens between 1952- 1981, case of learning from previous gen? Flynn argued IQ tests dont measure IQ but something that weakly correlated with intel
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Howard (2001)
3% children in 1932 IQ over 130, 2007-35% not enough time for biol evolution- edu, nutrition, supportive parenting
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Elardo et al., (1975)
positive, play, 3x weekly reading, out of house 4 times a week, infreq shouting,
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77 children from lower class homes, observed at 6mo and 24mo iq at 3yo and 41/2yo R: rating of family when child 24mo correl with IQ at 3y=.7, rating fam at 6mo correl IQ at 41/2yo=.44
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McGue et al., (1993)
childhood 40%, early adulthood 60%, later life 80% correl values increase over lifetime,
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Haworth et al., (2010)
assessing relative contributions of both 11k pairs of twins from 4 countries- influence of genetics increases as we get older 41% at 9yo, 66% young adult/17yo
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Lyons et al., (2009)
same pattern in older individuals - influence of genetics increasing as we get older, increasing genetic influence driven by interaction between genotype and envi that further accentuate differences based on genotype
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Herrnstein and Murray (1984)
low IQ and crime/poverty/martial disharmony and small correl- low intel indulge in crime/lose job/recklessly spend money- not envi but fatalistic genetics from nature, social welfare programmes cannot change
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Lynn (1996)
in US black children scored about 10-15 points below white
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Ogbu and Stern (2001)
but recently gap between black and white people narrowing
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Rushton and Jensen (2010)
but this opinion hasnt gone uncontested
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Nisbett (2003)
criticised for being based on western thinking
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Francis Galton


related and influenced by Darwin, struggled to devise a test

Card 3


Alfred Binet and Theo Simon


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Card 4


L.L Thurlstone


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Charles Spearman


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