
  • Created by: harik2014
  • Created on: 30-05-17 09:28
improvement in quality of life for country’s population.
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Quality Of Life.
subjective perception of overall happiness/satisfaction.
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Standard of Living.
level of income/economic development/material wellbeing.
3 of 22
Give examples of social and political development.
Social development = improvement in education. Political development = influence over government policies.
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Which of the following are not factors affecting human development?
Economic, Political, Social, Cultural, Technological.
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What is the poverty trap?
Occurs in poorest countries where they are so poor they cannot afford investment needed to escape low SoL.
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Explain how countries can benefit from commodity prices.
If manufactured goods are produced by rich countries for high prices, rich countries benefit more from trade.
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Explain the economic and social drawbacks of trade barriers.
Prevents countries selling goods/services which inhibits employment growth. increase cost of imported goods, reducing purchasing power of households & restricting QoL.
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Explain FDI
introduction of new factories by firms from another country.brings new capital (things used to make other things e.g. factories, machinery) into country, raising worker productivity & incomes. FDI can also bring in new technologies developed
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Give examples of social care and how they improve QoL of population
Improvements in health care and education can improve QoL of population. They also increase worker productivity, as fewer days are taken off. Higher productivity boosts incomes
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Explain how discrimination can affect GDP development and QoL.
reduces opportunities of some groups in society, reducing QoL. Limiting girls to education opportunities reduces contribution to the economy. This also encourages early marriage and high fertility rates. Slowing improvement in GDP.
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Food Security
when people have reliable supply of sufficient food to meet their dietary needs for an active & healthy life.
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Water Security
reliable availability of adequate quantity & quality of water to maintain human health & standard of living.
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Gross Domestic Product
measures total output of goods & services produced by country in one year.
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output of goods & serivces average person produces/consumes in one year.
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GDP/Total Population
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Human Development Index
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX is composite measure combining economic & social development.
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What does it combine?
GNI per capita, years of schooling and life expectancy
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What are the possible values
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Gini Coefficient?
measures income distribution on scale 0 – 1 (or 0% - 100%).
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0 = complete equality. 1 = very inequal, houses have different incomes
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Corruption Perception Index?
CORRUPTION PERCEPTION INDEX measures perceived level corruption in country expressed on scale 0 – 100.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


subjective perception of overall happiness/satisfaction.


Quality Of Life.

Card 3


level of income/economic development/material wellbeing.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Social development = improvement in education. Political development = influence over government policies.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Economic, Political, Social, Cultural, Technological.


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