Other questions in this quiz

2. What might be achieved by a bond issuer retaining the right to repay a bond in either of two currencies at a pre-determined rate?

  • Enhanced gamma
  • An enhanced coupon rate on the bonds that will attract investors
  • A superior credit rating for the bonds

3. What advantage can some derivatives present over the cash underlying as a vehicle for a short position?

  • They are always more liquid
  • They are more accurately priced
  • They do not rely on a facility to borrow the underlying
  • It is usually illegal to run short positions in the cash market

4. Why might a forward or futures price be higher than the spot price for the same asset?

  • Because of high dividends from the asset
  • Because the market price is expected to rise
  • To compensate the seller for continuing to bear the costs of ownership
  • Because of low interest rates

5. Why would a callable bond issuer call back the bonds?

  • To avail of the opportunity to refinance at a cheaper rate
  • Because that is what investors expected at the time the bonds were issued
  • To provide enhanced value to investors
  • Because the bonds are priced below par


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