
What is The Trinity?
Christians believe God is made up of three parts (The Trinity). God is the Father , The Son (Jesus) who lived human life and The Holy Spirit.
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Why do people struggle to say what God is like?
He is beyond Human understanding. The writer of the bible often refers to him as: a shepherd,warrior,king. But these can limit God as he is not a human or animal-saying he is suggests hes not really a God.
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What are Gods Natures?
He is transcendant and eternal:outside time and space. He is omni-potent: all powerful. He is omniscient : all knowing.He is omni-belevolent : all-loving
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What is the Ontological Arguement?
We cannot think of anything greater than god and therefore god exists. 'That than which nothing greater can be concieved'
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What is the Telelogical Arguement?
The word shows that it has been designed by someone.
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What is the Cosmological Arguement?
The universe must have come from somewhere- Christians believe it came from God-He is the first cause.
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What is the Moral Arguement?
Some people say that everyone knows the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. They describe this as having a sense of morality.The conscience is something that makes us unique from animals as we can think about moral or immoral actions.
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Why are religous experiences evidence for Gods existance?
Some people claim that they have had a religious experience eg, a miracle (a fortuitous event believed to have been caused by divine intervention), a vision, or a particular prayer to God answered.
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John Newton Slave Trader Story (example of religious experience)
A famous slave trader on his ship struggling to move his ship in a storm. He asked the 'Lord have mercy on us'. He believed survival and the outcome of his journey was down to him asking for mercy.Converted to Christianity and fought for Black Rights
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ST Paul Christian Killer (example of religious experiences)
On his journey he heard God speak to him and blind him with light. 'Why are you persucuting me' was asked. When he got to Damascus he converted to Christianity.
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What is numinous?
a power which suggests the presence
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What is empirical?
Something proved scientifically ?
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Quotes about exsistance of God:
If there is a god why are there so many evils?If there is no God, whence commeth any God?Bouthies. 'If god did not exist, it would be neccesary to invent him'Voltaire. 'A god who let us prove his exsistance would be an idol'-Dietrich
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Quotes about exsistance of God:
'How can you believe in God who permits suffering on this scale?' is therefore around at the moment and would be surprising if it wasnt- Indeed it would be wrong if there werent' Archbishop Of Canterbury.
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What is a miracle?
A miracle is something out of the ordinary that catches someones attention.
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Bernadatte Soubirious miracle
Benadette had visions of the virgin mary Many christians go on pilgrimages to place such as Lourdes in hope of physical of spiritual healing.
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Card 2


Why do people struggle to say what God is like?


He is beyond Human understanding. The writer of the bible often refers to him as: a shepherd,warrior,king. But these can limit God as he is not a human or animal-saying he is suggests hes not really a God.

Card 3


What are Gods Natures?


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Card 4


What is the Ontological Arguement?


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Card 5


What is the Telelogical Arguement?


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